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It depends on what the court is.

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Q: If a radius of a circle is perpendicular to a court then it?
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What is the perpendicular radius of a circle?

There is no such thing as a perpendicular radius.

If a radius of a circle is perpendicular to a chord then?

Then the radius bisects the chord.

What is a line perpendicular to a radius of a circle called?

A Chord. Or another radius!

If a radius of a circle is perpendicular to a chord at what point does it intersect the chord?

The radius of the circle that is perpendicular to a chord intersects the chord at its midpoint, so it is said to bisect the chord.

If a radius of a circle is perpendicular to a chord then it that chord?


If a radius of a circle bisects a chord then it is to that chord?


What is line perpendicular to radius of circle called?

A tangent.

What does the radius-tangent theorem state?

Oh, dude, the radius-tangent theorem is like when a radius of a circle is perpendicular to a tangent line at the point of tangency. So, basically, it's saying that the radius and tangent line are gonna be like besties at that point on the circle. It's just a fancy way of saying they're gonna be all perpendicular and stuff.

What happens where a radius meets the tangent?

The radius and the tangent are perpendicular at the point on the circle where they meet.

A radius of a circle is perpendicular to a chord if and only if?

Bisects that chord

If a radius of a circle intersects a chord it is perpendicular to that chord?


If a radius of a circle intersects a chord then it bisects that chord?

If radius of a circle intersects a chord then it bisects the chord only if radius is perpendicular to the chord.