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Q: If x is an integer that is divisible by three then is x2 always divisible by 3?
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What is a counter example to falsify If x is an integer divisible by 3 then x2 is an integer divisible by 3?

Suppose x = sqrt(3*a) where a is an integer that is not divisible by 3. then x2 = 3*a which is divisible by 3. but x is not even rational and so is not an integer and is certainly not divisible by 3.

If x is an integer divisible by 3 then is x2 divisible by 3?

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If x is a positive integer solve x2 6x 16? it x2+6x or x2-6x. I think your missing some things here champ

If x2 is an integer divisible by 3 then x is divisible by 3?

Yes. If x is not divisible by 3 then x leaves a remainder of 1 or 2 when it is divided by 3. That is, x is of the form 3y+z where z = 1 or 2. Then x2 = (3y+z)2 = 9y2 + 6yz + z2 = 3(3y2 + 2yz) + z2 The first part of this expression is clearly a multiple of 3, but z2 is not. Whether z = 1 or 2, z2 leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 3.

An integer minus three times its reciprocal equals twenty six thirds What is the integer?

Call the unknown integer x. Then, from the problem statement, x - 3/x = 26/3, or:x2 - 3 = 26x/3; or x2 - (26/3)x - 3 = 0x = 9

What is The square of a positive integer is 4 more than 3 times the integer?

x2=3x+4 x2-3x-4=0 (x-4)(x+1)=0 x=4 or x=-1 Since you specified a positive integer, the number in question is 4.

6 times an integer minus 5 equals the square of the integer. find the integer?

If we write the problem as 6x-5=x2, then we can write in the form of ax2+bx+c: -x2+6x-5. Then we can use the quadratic equation, x = (-b ± √(b2 - 4ac))/2a, and put in our own values to get the equation x = 3 ± 2. Therefore, x1= 1 and x2=5.

Is the sum of the squares of integers separated by a value of 2 will always be even?

It looks to me as if that's true. I reasoned thusly, and scratched it outon the margin of my coffee-stained notepad:You gave me integers separated by 2, so the integers are [x] and [x+2].-- Their squares are [x2] and (x+2)2-- That's [x2] and [x2 + 4x + 4].-- The sum of their squares is [x2 + x2 + 4x + 4]= [ 2x2 + 4x + 4 ]-- Since [x] is an integer, each term in that trinomial is an integer.-- The coefficients are '2' and '4', so each term is an even number.-- So their sum is even.-- Q.E.D.

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x2 = 3x - 2 x2 - 3x + 2 = 0 (x-1)(x-2) = 0 x=1;x=2

What is the product of all integer values ofx for which X2-9 is a prime number?

The answer is -16.