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Q: If you have a 69 in your class and the exam is 20 percent of your grade what do you need to pass the class?
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If you have 72 percent in a class how much do you have to get on the exam if it's worth 30 percent?

To get a final grade of 72, you need a 72 on the exam. For a final grade of 75, you need an 72 on the exam. For a final grade of 80, you need a 99 on the exam. If you get 100 on the exam, your final grade will be a little over 80.

If I have a 77 percent in class and normal tests are worth 50 percent of your grade the final exam is 20 percent What grade will I need to get on the final and normal exam to get an 87 in the class?

you would need anything higher than an 87 because its an average and if you get lower there is no way it can get to a 87.

How can you find out your final grades?

Go on your schools website.ORgrade in class = (exam grade)(amount weighted i.e. 0.2) + (class grade)(amount weighted i.e. 0.8)To find out what you need to get on your exam to get a certain grade in a class:(desired grade in class - (class grade)(amount weighted i.e. 0.8)) / (amount exam in weighted i.e. 0.2) = needed exam gradeFor instance, if you want to make sure you get a 93% overall and you got a 95% so far, and you know that the exam will be 20% of your overall grade:(93 - (95)(0.8)) / 0.2 = 92.5So, to get a 93% in the class you must get an 85% on your exam.

If you have an overall mark of 67 percent your final exam is worth 40 percent What mark do you have to get on your final exam to come out of the class with a 70 percent as your mark?

You need at least a 75% on your exam.

Tommy has have a 61 percent in his class if the the final is worth 10 percent of his grade what does he need to get to pass the class?

At least an a

What grade do you need to pass a class?

A or a B, maybe a C on the exam in order to pass.

What percent do i need on the final to pass the course my mark going into the exam is 38 percent and the final is worth 30 percent?

To pass the course, you would need to achieve at least 50% overall. Since your current grade is 38% and the final is worth 30%, you would need to score 85% on the final exam to reach the 50% passing grade.

If you had 71 percent going into an exam worth 40 percent of the overall mark how much do you need on exam to maintain overall 65 percent?

Ok, so if you have a 71 going into the exam that means that your 71 accounts for 60% of your grade. Set up your equation like this:71(0.6) + x(0.4) = 65Solve for x and you have your required gradeIn this case, the grade you need to maintain a 65 is a 56.Hope this helps

What is the equation you use to find out what you need in the final to get a certain grade in the class?

To find out what score you need on your final exam to achieve a certain grade in a class, you can use the following formula: Final Exam Grade = (Desired Grade - (1 - Final Weight)) / Final Weight. This equation takes into account your current grade, the weight of the final exam, and the desired final grade.

If you have a fifty eight in a class at the moment and you need a sixty five to pass the year what would you need to get on your final exam if it is worth thirty percent?


If you have a 60 percent in your class and the exam is worth 30 percent how much do you need to get on the exam to pass?

70% is a C- so if you already have 60% all you need is another 10%. Which is score 33/100 on your final exam which is actually an "F". You have a lot of leeway if you know you're at 60% but you should still aim for an "A".

If the final is 15 percent of grade and have an average of 100 what score do you need to get at least 90 in the class?

You do not even need to get a 30% on the final. If you have a 100% in the class and get a 0% on the final, you willl still have an 85% in the class.