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The answer depends on which area is shaded for each inequality. I always teach pupils to shade the unwanted or non-feasible region. That way the solution is in the unshaded area. This is much easier to identify than do distinguish between a region which is shaded three times and another which is shaded four times.

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8mo ago

That is correct. In a system of nonlinear inequalities, the overlapping shaded region represents the solution set where all the inequalities are simultaneously satisfied.

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Q: In a system of nonlinear inequalities the solution set is the region where the shaded regions overlap.?
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In a system of nonlinear inequalities the solution set is the region where shaded regions?


How is the solution in a system of inequalities determine?

An inequality determines a region of space in which the solutions for that particular inequality. For a system of inequalities, these regions may overlap. The solution set is any point in the overlap. If the regions do not overlap then there is no solution to the system.

In a system of nonlinear inequalities he solution set is the region where shaded regions?


What does it mean to find the solutions of system of inequalities?

In 2-dimensional space, an equality could be represented by a line. A set of equalities would be represented by a set of lines. If these lines intersected at a single point, that point would be the solution to the set of equations. With inequalities, instead of a line you get a region - one side of the line representing the corresponding equality (or the other). The line, itself, may be included or excluded. Each inequality can be represented by a region and, if these regions overlap, any point within that sub-region is a solution to the system of inequalities.

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Yes, regions can overlap when they share boundaries or have areas that are common to both regions. Overlapping regions are common in geospatial analysis, political boundaries, and environmental studies where features can exist in multiple regions simultaneously.

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A graph of two simultaneous linear inequalities in two variables that have no intersecting regions must contain two lines with the same slope.

What two regions does the sunbelt overlap?

The south and west . BTW Follow Me On Instagram Smurfing_Awesome

Why do some regions overlap each other?

Regions may overlap due to territorial disputes, unclear boundaries, or multiple entities claiming the same area. In some cases, historical factors or changing geographic conditions can lead to overlapping regions. Conflicting legal interpretations or international agreements can also contribute to regions overlapping.

What is the definition of the solution of linear inequalities?

Each linear equation is a line that divides the coordinate plane into three regions: one "above" the line, one "below" and the line itself. For a linear inequality, the corresponding equality divides the plane into two, with the line itself belonging to one or the other region depending on the nature of the inequality. A system of linear inequalities may define a polygonal region (a simplex) that satisfies ALL the inequalities. This area, if it exists, is called the feasible region and comprises all possible solutions of the linear inequalities. In linear programming, there will be an objective function which will restrict the feasible region to a vertex or an edge of simplex. There may also be a further constraint - integer programming - where the solution must comprise integers. In this case, the feasible region will comprise all the integer grid-ponits with the simplex.