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Q: In an analysis of variance which is directly influenced by the size of the sample variances?
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In an analysis of variance is SS directly influenced by the size of the sample variances?

Yes it is.

What are the variances in a 4 variance analysis?

efficiency variance, spending variance, production volume variance, variable and fixed components

What are adverse variances?

Adverse variances means unfavourable variance which is actual expenses are more than budgted variance.

Basic assumption in analysis of variance?

1- observations are from normally distributed populations. 2- observations are from populations with equal variances.

What is the F stat in regression analysis?

The F stat tests the equality of variances. It uses statistical tables for reference and is calculated with F = Variance 1 (max)/variance 2(min).

Why are variances generally segregated in terms of a price variance and an efficiency variance?

Efficiency Varian materials and direct labor, the variances were recorded in specific general ledger accounts.

What is the meaning of analysis of covariance?

A mix of linear regression and analysis of variance. analysis of covariance is responsible for intergroup variance when analysis of variance is performed.

Can additive variance have a negative value?

No. Variance is always positive and so the sum of variances must also be positive.

What has the author J A Barnes written?

J. A. Barnes has written: 'Variances based on data with dead time between the measurements' -- subject- s -: Mathematical statistics, Analysis of variance

What has the author Hardeo Sahai written?

Hardeo Sahai has written: 'Analysis of variance for random models' -- subject- s -: Analysis of variance 'The analysis of variance' -- subject- s -: Analysis of variance

Benefits of calculating budget variance?

Budgeted variance analysis is very helpful in controlling the cost and expenditure of products and also helpful in determining the variation in the production expenditure with budgeted expenditure and help to eliminate variances in future and make better budgets.

Causes material quantity variance?

causes of labor rate variances