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Q: Is a factorial the same as a permutation?
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Is factorial same as permutation?

No. Simple permutations are composed of 2 factorials.

how many permutation of the letters are there in geometry?

There are 8 letters in "geometry", so there are 8! (factorial) ways to arrange them in different permutations. 8! = 40,320 permutations.

How many ways can you arrange 6 things?

This is a simple math permutation. the answer is 6 factorial which means 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 (aka 720)

Why one factorial and zero factorial is same?

As we know product of no numbers at all is 1 and for this reason factorial of zero =1and we know factorial of 1=1

How do you make a good sentence with the word permutation?

i am a permutation is a awesome answer

What does permutation means?

An instance which is different from the instance before. Windows 7 and Windows Vista are different permutations of the same product.

How do you solve math permutations?

A permutation is the rearrangement of objects or symbols into distinguishable sequences.You can use the formulas. nPr=n! / (n-r)!where n the set from which elements are permuted and r is the size of each permutation (! is the factorial operator)For example: How many ways can you rearrange the word math? 4P4=4!/(4-4)! 4P4=4!/1 4P4=24

What is the relationship between Permutation?

Permutation is when order matters

When was Permutation City created?

Permutation City was created in 1994.

What is the definition of permutation?

A permutation is an ordered arrangement of a set of objects.

How many pages does Permutation City have?

Permutation City has 310 pages.

Is every permutation always a one-to-one function?

By definition, a permutation is a bijection from a set to itself. Since a permutation is bijective, it is one-to-one.