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Q: Is it possible for the median to be larger than the third quartile?
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How do you solve a third quartile?

Roughly speaking, finding the third quartile is similar to finding the median. First, use the median to split the data set into two equal halves. Then the third quartile is the median of the upper half. Similarly, the first quartile is the median of the lower half.

What is the difference between quartile and median?

Median is found by the middle number in a sorted data set. So half of the numbers are greater than the median, and half are below the median. Quartile represents one fourth (or 25%) of the data set. They are usually labeled something like first, second, third, fourth (or sometimes top quartile, bottom quartile). For example, if 24 people are in a class and take a test. 24/4 = 6, so the top six grades would be in the top quartile (I don't remember if this is considered first or fourth). If you are in the top quartile, then you did better than at least 75% of the whole class. Since 24 is even, there is no 'middle number', so the arithmetic average of number 12 & 13 are taken to find the median.

What is the interquartile range of a number?

the IQR is the third quartile minus the first quartile.

What is the difference between a percentile and a quartile?

A quartile divides a grouping into four. The first quartile will have the first 25% of the group, the second quartile will have the second 25% of the group, the third quartile will have the third 25% of the group and the last quartile will have the last 25% of the group. For example if a classroom had 20 students who had all taken a test, you could line them up, the top 5 marks would be in the first quartile, the next five would be in the second quartile, the next 5 would be in the third quartile, and the 5 students with the lowest marks would be in the last quartile. Similarly, a percentile divides a grouping, except the group is divided into 100. Each 1% represent 1 percentile.

How do you find the 1st quartile and 3rd quartile of 36 and 43 and 45 and 52 and 55 and 61 and 70?

First Quartile = 43 Third Qaurtile = 61

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How do you solve a third quartile?

Roughly speaking, finding the third quartile is similar to finding the median. First, use the median to split the data set into two equal halves. Then the third quartile is the median of the upper half. Similarly, the first quartile is the median of the lower half.

How do you calculate the third quartile for a mean of 110 and a standard deviation of 15?

If this is the only information you have, the answer would be somewhere around 125. Usually, you would find the third quartile by first finding the median. Then find the median of all of the numbers between the median and the largest number, which is the third quartile.

What is the difference between the first and third quartile?

The first quartile, or the lower quartile, is the value such that a quarter of the observations are smaller and three quarters are larger.The third quartile, or the upper quartile, is the value such that three quarters of the observations are smaller and a quarter are larger.

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The first quartile of a data set is 23 the median is 30 the third quartile is 33 and an outlier is 50. Which of these data values would be represented by a point in a modified box plot?


The first quartile of a data set is 23 the median is 30 the third quartile is 33 and an outlier is 6. Which of these data values would be represented by a point in a modified box plot?


How The first quartile of a data set is 23 the median is 30 the third quartile is 33 and an outlier is 50. Which of these data values would be represented by a point in a modified box plot?

It is the outlier.

In which area of calculation quartile deviation is used?

Graphing to determine difference between third and first quartile as well as to find the median between the two. Also known as semi-interquartile range.

What is the difference between quartile and median?

Median is found by the middle number in a sorted data set. So half of the numbers are greater than the median, and half are below the median. Quartile represents one fourth (or 25%) of the data set. They are usually labeled something like first, second, third, fourth (or sometimes top quartile, bottom quartile). For example, if 24 people are in a class and take a test. 24/4 = 6, so the top six grades would be in the top quartile (I don't remember if this is considered first or fourth). If you are in the top quartile, then you did better than at least 75% of the whole class. Since 24 is even, there is no 'middle number', so the arithmetic average of number 12 & 13 are taken to find the median.

One of the values of a variable which divides the distribution of the variable into four groups having equal frequency?

A quartile divides a distribution into four equal parts, each containing 25% of the data. The first quartile (Q1) represents the value below which 25% of the data fall, the second quartile (Q2) is the median, and the third quartile (Q3) is the value below which 75% of the data fall.

What is the interquartile range of a number?

the IQR is the third quartile minus the first quartile.

What is the first quartile of this data set 6 47 49 15 43 41 7 36?

The first quartile is the value such that a quarter of the data are smaller than that value and three quarters are larger. Since there are 8 observations, the quartile will be between the second and the third smallest values. Therefore, Q1 = (7+15)/2 = 11