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Q: Is it possible to graduate with more than one degree?
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Why does a person with a graduate degree have the opportunity to earn more money than a person with a high school degree?

because the person with a graduate degree have a more knowledge then the person of high school degree.and no doubt he has a more experience then the high school degree.

Can you do a post graduate degree for dentistry after a degree in dental hygiene and therapy?

Yes it is possible. As a prior coordinator of health related professions at a university, I can say that there were more than a few dental hygiene students who went on to become dentists.

What is the first highest college degree possible?

It depends on your definition of an advanced degree. Typically, graduate work is considered advance course work. However, a bachelors is more advanced than an associates, a masters degree is more advanced than a bachelors, and a doctorate is more advanced than a masters.

Is a bachelor's degree higher than a master degree?

No, the associate and bachelor degrees are undergraduate degrees. The master's and doctorate are graduate degrees.

Does Bill Cosby have his master's degree?

He has a number of Honorary Doctorate degrees from more than a dozen colleges and universities. He did graduate Temple University with a bachelor's degree.

Is a bachelor's degree higher than a gradutes degree?

No.It goes like this...Nursery or pre-school; then,Kindergarten; then,Elementary school; then,Middle school; then,High school; then,Undergraduate school, for an associates and/or bachelors; then,Graduate school, for a masters; then,More graduate school for a doctorate; then, optionally,Post-graduate work.That's the order of things.

Can you graduate college with more than one majors?

Yes. You can graduate from college with more than one major.

What in terms of money is the difference between an undergraduate degree and masters degree?

The cost is that undergrads make less money salary wise than graduates and it costs more since most graduate students go part time because most of them work during the day and can only attend at night. It costs more as a graduate since you pay more per credit hour than an undergrad.

Postgraduate diploma is equivalent to what qulification in Nigeria?

Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in any area of study is equaivalent to a graduate diploma. Means, higher than a degree and lower than master.Its equivalent both in Nigeria and the United state of America, is a 1 year graduate degree.

What are the advantages of education?

With a Bachelor's Degree from a college, you can earn $25,000 more a year. People who have graduated from college can expect to make more than a High School graduate in life..

Graduate Loans Make Your Graduate Degree Possible?

If you thought paying for your undergraduate degree was an expensive proposition, take a deep breath before you start to tally how much it can cost to get a graduate degree. Whether you are seeking a master's in education or a master's in business administration (also known as an MBA), obtaining a master's degree can cost more than $50,000 in tuition, fees, and books. While you may have been able to find merit scholarships to help you to pay for your undergraduate degree, there are very few available for graduate degree programs. Luckily, however, there are loans available to help you to pay for your graduate degree program. Student loans for graduate education often are much more cost effective means of obtaining the money necessary to pay for your degree than dipping in your 401(k), home equity line of credit, or, worse, maxing out your credit cards. Graduate loans from the government, such as those from Sallie Mae, are available at lower interest rates than you would pay on loans from your bank or another lending institution. In addition to paying lower interest rates on your student loans, if you qualify for a federally subsidized graduate loan, then the lender will not accrue interest on your loan during the time that you are in graduate school. To enjoy this benefit you may need to take a minimal number of credits each semester or each calendar year. To find out what rules govern the graduate loan options available to you, you should speak with a financial aid officer at your college or university. Regardless of whether your graduate loan's interest is subsidized while you are in graduate school or not, you still will enjoy one other generous financial benefit from it; the ability to deduct the interest that you pay on your graduate student loan each year. While this benefit is one that you will enjoy in future years, after you have finished your graduate degree program, it is an important one to bear in mind as you compare graduate loan interest rates, terms of repayment, and other factors as you decide how you can best finance your graduate degree program.

Is a Ph.D higher than a professional degree?

A PhD can be a type of professional degree. The term "professional degree" refers to a category of graduate degrees which prepare you for a specific career or profession.