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No. Nitrogen makes up 78% of the air we breathe. Oxygen makes up 21%.

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Q: Is it true that more than three fourth of that you breath is oxygen?
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Why you breath more during excersise?

because your body is using more oxygen so it needs to get more oxygen

Which animals and plants depend on each other?

All of them. The plants turn the carbin dioxide converted by you into oxygen and then you can breath. You then, when you breath out, give out more carbin dioxide for the plants to breath, and give you more oxygen, Etc...

Why do you breath very quickly after exercise?

Because when you work your muscles they need more oxygen, and to get more oxygen you need to breathe more often.

Which is more efficient lungs or gills?

Gills are more efficient at obtaining oxygen, but there is much more oxygen in air to breath through the lungs.

How is there more oxygen available to breath at sea level than there is higher in the atmosphere?

At sea level, the atmospheric pressure is higher, which compresses the air and allows more oxygen molecules to be present in each breath. As you go higher in the atmosphere, the air pressure decreases, reducing the density of oxygen and making it harder to breathe in enough oxygen with each breath.

Why do you breath harder when exercising?

your body needs to get rid of CO2 that has built up and it needs to get oxygen for energy a lot quicker. so you take bigger breaths which release more CO2 and bring in more oxygen.

Why is carbon dioxide useful?

yes. plants breath in carbon dioxide and then breath out oxygen for other living creatures. then we breath in that oxygen and breath out more carbon dioxide for the plants. basically, we could not survive without plants.

How does fitness affect playing the trumpet?

you learn to breath in a lot more oxygen and get a lot more puff into you

Which animal take in more oxygen per breath?

Birds take in more oxygen per breath compared to mammals, as they have more efficient respiratory systems. Birds have air sacs that allow for a more continuous flow of oxygen through their lungs, increasing the amount of oxygen they can extract from each breath.

What will happen to the animals if there are no trees?

no more oxygen to breath and u can probably guess what that means

Why does exercises make your heart beat faster?

your heart beats faster because when you do exercise you get out off breath so you breath in more oxygen, as you breath faster your heart rate will rise to pump blood around the body, by your heart pumping blood round the body you are getting more oxygen in your body.

When do plants use carbon dioxide night or day?

Plants use carbon dioxide in the daytime as part of photosynthesis which occurs in the chloroplast. They use the CO2 and make sugars. People breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide, plants do the opposite. They breath in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen.One small "technical" detail that should be mentioned. Plants really don't breath, they respire. People breath.So, at the night, the plant cells respire more than they photosynthesise, so they get rid of more carbon dioxide than oxygen.