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It's human nature to think so, but no. Even after getting 100 heads in a row, the odds of the next flip being heads is still 50%.

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Q: Is it true that the past outcomes of coins flips greatly affect the outcomes of furture coin flips?
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How many possible outcomes can you get by tossing 5 coins?

There are 25 or 32 possible outcomes can you get by tossing 5 coins.

How many different outcomes are possible when you toss eight coins?

If you toss eight coins, there are 256 (28) different outcomes.

If there are three coins and each is flipped once how many possible outcomes are there?

There are two outcomes for each coin and three coins; 2 x 2 x 2 = 23 = 8 outcomes.

How many possible outcomes of tossing three coins?

There are 23 = 8 possible outcomes.

Five coins are tossed how many outcomes are there?

The total number of outcomes is 2^5 = 32.

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I believe there would be 11 possible outcomes!

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24 possible outcomes.

What is the fundamental counting principal of tossing 4 coins?

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If you toss a penny a nickel and a quarter how many possible outcomes?

There are technically 8 possible outcomes if you are talking about the side of the coin it lands on. Each coin has 2 possible outcomes (landing on heads and landing on tails). To figure out the number of outcomes for all the coins you multiply the outcomes for all of the coins together: 2 X 2 X 2= 8.