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A "whole number" is called an integer < Lat. integer = whole.

Natural numbers are sometimes defined as the positive integers and sometimes 0 is included in the definition. It depends on the situation whether or not 0 is considered a natural numbers (so there are two possible definitions of the natural numbers). Both definitions have pros and cons. None is "better" or "more correct" than the other.

Your question, therefore, seems to center around the number 0.

However, the answer is: no.

Because all negative integers are not natural numbers. There are an infinite number of negative integers.

Also, if you include Gaussian integers (which are of the form x + iy, where x and y are integers and i is the imaginary number), then all Gaussian integers with y <> 0 or x<0 are not natural numbers.

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Q: Is there only one whole number that is not a natural number?
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There is only one whole number in 621860 and that is 621860.

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No. 1.68 is not a natural number or a whole number. "Natural" numbers are the counting numbers . . . one, two, three, four . . . 1.68 is not one of them. "Whole" numbers are the integers . . . the natural numbers, their negatives, and zero. 1.68 isn't one of those either. About all you can say for 1.68 is that it's positive, it's mixed, and it's rational.

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So basically if your questions says 'What natural number has no predecessor ' it will be 1 because behind one is 0 which is a whole number but not a natural number .So the answer will be 1.

What does Natural Number mean?

The natural numbers are positive integers (whole numbers) starting from one. So, the first natural number is 1, the second natural number is 2, the third is 3, and so on.