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Q: Only two combinations of base pairings are possible for the rungs list them?
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If the numbers are allowed to repeat, then there are six to the fourth power possible combinations, or 1296. If they are not allowed to repeat then there are only 360 combinations.

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What are the rungs of DNA ladder made from?

The rungs are made of 4 different types of bases. The bases letters are A,T,G, and C. Only A and T can go together, and only G and C can go together.

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The answer is five factoral (5!) which is 120.

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the equal nukber would be 1000987654 but if you put it that way you will lose the stautus chart and it will mess you up i am a math teacher for 12 grade i know my stuff

Why is the pairing of nucleotides in DNA not random but only involves A T and G C combinations?

The different nitrogenous bases have different chemical makes and hydrogen bonds that hold the two strands of DNA together can only form correctly between A and T or G and C. Follow the link below to look at how exactly these pairings occur on a molecular level.

How many possible combinations is there for 24680 using each number only once?

if you can start with 0, there are 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 = 120 combinations. if you can't start with 0 then 4 x 4 x 3 x 2 = 96 combinations

What are all of the possible numeric combinations using 1-5 starting with 15?

As the number has to start with 15, we have only 3 remaining digits to work with. There are 3 possible options for the first digit. Then out of each of these, 2 possible options for the second digit, and one option for the last. This means that in total there are 3x2x1 (6) possible combinations. These are: 15234 15243 15324 15342 15423 15432

What are four other possible combinations for 1614 in math?

There can be only one combination with four digits. Changing their order gives permutations, NOT combinations.The following are possible combinations:1 digit: 1, 4, 6.2 digit: 11, 14, 16, 463 digit: 114, 116, 146.