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Seven different people get together in a place. Each person should handshake only once with all others. Find the total number of handshakes? the first one handshake with 6 person, and second one handshake with remaining 5, and so on....6+5+4+3+2+1=21
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Q: Seven different people get together in a place Each person should handshake only once with all others Find the total number of handshakes?
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If 99 people handshake how many handshakes will there be?

Since it takes two to shake hands, no odd number of people can handshake, since one must be left out. Therefore 99 people cannot shake hands. Unless "handshake" means something unusual here, which seems unlikely, as it is the only handshaking activity where you can count the handshakes. * * * * * What utter nonsense! 3 people: A, B and C can shake hands. AB shake hands, AC shake hands and BC shake hands. And the last time I looked 3 was still classified as an odd number. The correct answer is 99*98/2 = 4851

Prove that total number of people who lived on earth and made odd number of handshakes is always even?

If you multiply anything by 2 it always comes out even. So if people make 35 handshakes, we multiply it by 2 and we get 70 people. This will work with any different number of handshakes, odd or even.

15 friends at a party and all kisses each other then how many kisses?

This is a variation on the handshake problem which say if there are n people at a party and every one shakes hands with every other one, how many handshakes are there? It is well know that kisses in fact are cleaner than handshakes which to tend to pass diseases. So thanks for a cleaner version of this classic math problem! n(n-1)/2 is the formula for the number of handshakes OR kisses for n people at a party. If you case, 15x14/2 which is 15x7 or 105.

How many handshakes will there be altogether at the end of a business conference if the ten people present all shake hands with each other once?

There will be 45 handshakes (assuming that each person doesn't repeat who they shake hands with). Use the following formula for this one (n*(n-1))/2 where n is number of if 10 people its (10 x 9) / 2 = 45 handshakes, if 7 people its (7 x 6) / 2 = 21 handshakes etc.

How many lines in 8 non collinear points?

28Good question. This is an 'analogue' of this puzzle: "Eight people meet for the first time. If they each shake hands with everyone else, how many handshakes are there?" There is a formula, but who would remember it?Imagine you and I are both among the eight people. You would shake hands with seven others. I would say the same thing, and so could each of the others.That gives 8x7 = 56, but you and I both counted the time we shook hands with one another , in fact each handshake is counted twice. The number of handshakes is actually 56/2 = 28.This can be generalized to say that the number of ways to choose 2 objects from a group of n objects is n(n-1)/2.

Related questions

If 99 people handshake how many handshakes will there be?

Since it takes two to shake hands, no odd number of people can handshake, since one must be left out. Therefore 99 people cannot shake hands. Unless "handshake" means something unusual here, which seems unlikely, as it is the only handshaking activity where you can count the handshakes. * * * * * What utter nonsense! 3 people: A, B and C can shake hands. AB shake hands, AC shake hands and BC shake hands. And the last time I looked 3 was still classified as an odd number. The correct answer is 99*98/2 = 4851

Prove that total number of people who lived on earth and made odd number of handshakes is always even?

If you multiply anything by 2 it always comes out even. So if people make 35 handshakes, we multiply it by 2 and we get 70 people. This will work with any different number of handshakes, odd or even.

How many handshakes if 25 people shake hands with every other person in room?

Each person will shake hands with every other person, except himself. If there are 25 people, each person will shake hands with 25-1 people, or 24. The number of times each person will shake hands with another, will be 25x24. The number of handshakes will be half of that, as each handshake is between two persons. The formula, in other words, is x(x-1)/2, where x is the number of people. With 25 people, it will be 25x24/2 = 300 handshakes.

At the end of a banquet 5 people shake hands with each other How many handshakes will there be in total?

Each person shakes hands with every other person at the end of the banquet. When person 1 shakes hands with person 2 that constitutes one handshake even though 2 people are involved. So the answer is 10 total handshakes because the 1st person will have 4 total handshakes(because he can't shake hands with himself, he has 4 and not 5 total handshakes), and then the 2nd person will have 3 total handshakes (you wouldn't say 4 handshakes because you've already included the handshake between person 1 & person 2 when calculating the first person's number of shakes) and so on for the remaining 3 people. On paper the math would look like this: 4+3+2+1=10 Alternatively: Each person shakes hands with 4 others so the answer looks like 5x4 = 20; However, in Fred shaking with 4 others, he shakes with Charlie, similarly, in Charlie shaking with 4 others he shakes with Fred. Thus the Fred-Charlie handshake has been counted twice (once by Fred, once by Charlie), as have all the handshakes, thus the answer is: 5x4 / 2 = 10.

Seven people meet and shake hands with one anotherHow many handshakes occur?

The first person can be selected in one of seven ways. Having selected him, the second can be selected from the remaining six in six ways. So there would appear to be 7*6 ways of selecting the couples shaking hands. But, x shaking y's hand is the same handshake as y shaking x's hand. Thus each handshake is conted twice, So the total number of handshakes is 7*6/2 = 21

If theres 66 handshakes how many people are at the party?

If there are n people who shake hands with each other exactly once, it can be observed that there are n x (n-1) handshakes. Since each handshake is counted twice here,we divide this by 2. Therefore, total number of handshakes is n(n-1)/2. In the given problem, Given: Total handshakes =66 i.e n(n-1)/2=66 n2-n =132 n2-n-132=0 (n-12)(n+11)=0 n =12 or n= -11 As handshakes cannot be negative we discard 11 . Therefore answer is , 12 people.

What is the masonic hand shake?

A freemason handshake is a means of identifying each other as freemasons. The different handshakes will identify which degree a mason has achieved within the organisation. A freemason can not divulge the handshake to a non-mason as this would break an oath made at initiation. Knowing the hanshake alone is not enough as on reciept of such a handshake a set conversation will follow.

15 friends at a party and all kisses each other then how many kisses?

This is a variation on the handshake problem which say if there are n people at a party and every one shakes hands with every other one, how many handshakes are there? It is well know that kisses in fact are cleaner than handshakes which to tend to pass diseases. So thanks for a cleaner version of this classic math problem! n(n-1)/2 is the formula for the number of handshakes OR kisses for n people at a party. If you case, 15x14/2 which is 15x7 or 105.

Bob invites guests to a school function. Every person shakes the hand of every other person in the function. There are 24 people at the function. How many handshakes were there?

24 people each shake the hands of 23 others - so 24 x 23 = 552. But as each handshake performed accounts for 2 people, 276 will complete the task. The formula for calculating this is 2H=N*(N-1), where H = number of handshakes and N = number of people involved.

There are 8 people at a party each person shakes hands with everybody else once how many handshakes are there?

28. The formula is (n * (n-1)) / 2, where n represents the number of people. You divde by 2 because each handshake covers two possibilities (ie, person #1 to person #8 is the same as person #8 to person #1).

Why random number field is used in handshake protocol?

To prevent injection or hijacking.

If there had been 10 people at the meeting how many handshakes would there have been?

There would have been 45 handshakes among 10 people at a meeting. This can be calculated using the formula n(n-1)/2, where n represents the number of people.