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Q: The summer solstice can occur on any day of the week with each day being equally likely. What is the probability the summer solstice will occur on a Monday?
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The summer solstice can occur on any day of the week with each day being equally likely. What is the probability the summer solstice will occur on a weekday?

The summer solstice can occur on any of the 7 days of the week with equal likelihood. There are 5 weekdays (Monday to Friday) out of 7 days, so the probability that the summer solstice will occur on a weekday is 5/7 or approximately 0.714.

What is the definition of theoretical probability?

Theoretical probability is the probability of an event when all outcomes are equally likely. With theoretical probability, you determine the probability by dividing the number of ways the event can occur by the total number of equally likely outcomes.

What probability is based on knowing all of the equally likely outcomes of an experiment?

Theoretical probability

What is theoretical proablity?

Theoretical probability- what the probability "should be" if all outcomes are equally likely.

What does equally unlikely mean in probability?

Two events are equally unlikely if the probability that they do not happen is the same for each event. And, since the probability of an event happening and not happening must add to 1, equally unlikely events are also equally likely,

Which approach to probability requires equally likely outcomes?

The modelling of a probability distribution function for an event from a theoretical approach.

What is the probability in a sample space of 98 equally likely events?


What is a 13 letter word that means having the same probability?

equally likely

When two events can occur with the same probability is called?

Equally likely events.

What is having the same probability?

It refers to two event which are equally likely to occur.

What are equally likely event?

Two events that have the same chance of happening. For example, if I flip a coin the event of obtaining a 'head' is equally as likely as the event of obtaining a 'tail'. But equally likely does not mean 0.5 probability. It's possible that it's equally likely that someone in Ontario, Canada will die from being stung by a wasp as from being electrocuted in their kitchen at home. Neither event is very likely but the two events could be equally likely.

How can you find the probability of a simple event if the total number equally likely outcomes is 20?

Each outcome has a probability of 0.05