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Q: What are the intercepts of the equation x4-2x2-8?
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The vertex must be half way between the two x intercepts

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The roots of the quadratic equation are the x-intercepts of the curve.

A linear equation cannot always be graphed by using intercepts alone?

Yes it can. A linear equation in the form of y=mx+b can always be graphed used the x and y intercepts.

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The 'x' and 'y' intercepts of that equation are both at the origin.

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A circle represented by an equation x^2 + y^2 = r^2 or a circular object represented by an equation Ax^2 + By^2 = r^2 has 2 y-intercepts and 2 x-intercepts.

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Draw the axes. Plot the two intercepts. Draw a line connecting the two points

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Only if the discriminant of its equation is greater than zero will it have 2 different x intercepts.

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Let us say you X intercepts are -2 and 3 set up (X + 2)(X - 3) FOIL X^2 - X - 6 = 0 ----------------------- your parabolic equation

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