

Best Answer

One in four. 1:4.

The probability of getting heads when a fair coin is tossed is: P(H) = 1/2.

The probability of getting heads on a second toss is: P(H) = 1/2, this result is

independent of the result of the first toss.

The probability of having both events happen (heads on the first and heads on the

second toss) is: P(H1UH2) = (1/2)∙(1/2) = 1/4 = 0.25 = 0.25%

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Q: What are the odds in favor of getting 2 heads when a coin is tossed twice?
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What is the probability that two heads will occur if a fair coin is tossed twice?

It is 1/4.

What is the probability of getting two tails if a coin in tossed twice?

It is 0.25

What is the probability of a coin landing heads up twice and tales up once if tossed 3 times?


A coin is tossed twice what is the probability that it will show heads both times -?

1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4

What are the odds of getting heads at least once if I toss a coin twice?

the only combination which does not produce heads at least once it tails twice. the odds of getting tails twice is 0.5*0.5=0.25 so the odds for getting heads at least once is 1-0.25=0.75 or 75% or 3/4.

What is the probability that exactly two times head are being tossed?

The answer depends on how many times the coin is tossed. The probability is zero if the coin is tossed only once! Making some assumptions and rewording your question as "If I toss a fair coin twice, what is the probability it comes up heads both times" then the probability of it being heads on any given toss is 0.5, and the probability of it being heads on both tosses is 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25. If you toss it three times and want to know what the probability of it being heads exactly twice is, then the calculation is more complicated, but it comes out to 0.375.

The probability of getting heads twice and tails once if a coin is tossed 3 times?

3/8, or 37.5%There are eight possible sequences that can emerge from three coin tosses. Three have heads twice and tails once. Three have the opposite, two tails and one heads. The remaining possibilities are all heads or all tails.H H TH T HT H HT T HT H TH T TH H HT T T

What is the probability of getting heads more than once if you flip a coin three times?

For 3 coin flips: 87% chance of getting heads at least once 25% chance of getting heads twice 13% chance of getting heads all three times

What is the probability of getting heads twice out of three tosses?

2 out of 3 i think

What is the probability that a coin will turn up heads twice in 6 tosses of the coin?

Every time a coin is tossed there is a 50 / 50 chances of it coming up heads. There is no rule that says tossing it 100 or 6 times will change this.

A coin is tossed twice what is the probability that it will show heads both times?

The probability is 0.25.Look at it this way--if you toss a coin twice, there are four equally-probable outcomes:tails, tailstails, headsheads, tailsheads, headsSo the probability of heads twice in a row is one in four, or 25%.the chance of tossing heads is 1/2 (50%) The chance of tossing the next heads is 1/2 (50%) 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4 (25%)

What is the probability of flipping a coin twice and getting two heads?

The probability is 25%. The probability of flipping a coin once and getting heads is 50%. In your example, you get heads twice -- over the course of 2 flips. So there are two 50% probabilities that you need to combine to get the probability for getting two heads in two flips. So turn 50% into a decimal --> 0.5 Multiply the two 50% probabilities together --> 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25. Therefore, 0.25 or 25% is the probability of flipping a coin twice and getting heads both times.