They are: 30*20, 30*8, 2*20 and 2*8.
5630 is a single number and single numbers do not have partial products.
Partial products cannot be used for a single number. They are a form of multiplication.
The GCF is 2.
They are 600, 240, 80 and 32.
34 x 28 = 34 x (20 + 8) First partial product is: (30 + 4) x 8 = 240 + 32 Second partial product is: (30 + 4) x 20 = 600 + 80 Sum of partial products = total product = 600 + 240 + 80 + 32 = 952
They are: 30*20, 30*8, 2*20 and 2*8.
how to find the partial products of a number
4 x 20 = 80 4 x 7 = 28 80 + 28 = 108 4 x 27 = 108
To find the partial products of 28 times 14, you would multiply each digit in the ones place of the second number (4) by each digit in the ones place of the first number (8), resulting in 32. Next, you would multiply each digit in the tens place of the second number (1) by each digit in the ones place of the first number (8), resulting in 8. Finally, you would add these two products together to get the final answer of 392.
the partial products for 12 and 3 30 and 6 :)
5630 is a single number and single numbers do not have partial products.
The partial products are: 42 * 28 = (40 + 2)*(20 + 8) = 40*20 + 40*8 + 2*20 + 2*8 = 800 + 320 + 40 + 16
The GCF of 28 and 34 is 2. To find the GCF of 28 and 34, you can list each number's factors: 28 - 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 28 34 - 1, 2, 17, 34 The GCF of 28 and 34 is 2.
the partial products is 2,480 and 310