'0030' is in 24 hour time. In twelve hour time it is 12:30 am . As spoken, it is 'half past midniught'.
12 hour clock but could say the time in a 24 hour clock Analogue describes construction, not hours. It can be either.
It is 10 am in the form of 24 hours.
You can write it 2 ways in 12 hour ime and in 24 hour time 12 hour: 01:01 pm 24 hour: 1301
0010 in 12-hour time is 12:10 AM. It is the same time as 0010 in military time but expressed in the morning hours in the 12-hour clock system.
yes, 24 hour time is called 24 hour time!!
Is 24 hour time related to our normal time
10mins. Military time is as follows: 0001 hrs is 1 minute. 0010 hrs is 10 minutes. 0100 hrs is an hour. 1000 hrs is 10 hrs. So, like, 2130 hrs would be 9:30pm civilian time.
The military is based on the 24 hour clock. 0000 being 12:00am, and 23:59 being 11:59pm. So, 0010, would be 12:10am.
12.02am(midnight) as a 24 hour time would be 00:02.
In 24-hour time, it's "1500 hours". In 12-hour time, it's "3:00 PM".
As the 24 hour clock goes from 0000 to 2400 then 100 hours is 1am.
9pm in 24 hour time is 21:00. It can also be written as '2100 hours'.
24..all an hour apart, and an hour's difference.
The 24 hour version of 8:00pm is 20:00.