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In algebra it is simply 2y.

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Q: What is 2 times y?
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2 y y y write in exponential form?

I assume you mean 2 times y times y times y. Since y is multiplied by itself three times, you have 2 times y3, also known as 2 times y cubed, which is written as 2y3.

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What is y times 2?

When you see "y times 2," it means you are multiplying the variable y by the number 2. So the expression "y times 2" can be written as 2y. This is a simple algebraic expression where the coefficient of y is 2.

How do you multiply 2x by 2y?

Well, isn't that just a happy little math problem we have here! To multiply 2x by 2y, you simply multiply the numbers together: 2 * 2 = 4. And then you multiply the variables together: x * y = xy. So, the result is 4xy. Just like that, you've created a beautiful mathematical expression!

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2(y + 5)

Is 2xy the same as 2x2y?

yes * * * * * No, it isn't. 2xy = 2 times x times y. Depending on which you mean: 2x2y = 2 times x times 2 times y = 4xy; OR 2x2y = 2 times x times x times y.

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(9) · (x) · (2/3) · (y) = 6 x y

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What is the product y 4 times y 6 four and six are little numbers?

When multiplying powers, you add them! y4 times y6 = y10. Try it with y = 2: 2 to the fourth = 16, 2 to the sixth = 64 16 x 64 = 1024 = 2 to the tenth.