

What is 2w equal 18?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is 2w equal 18?
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In this rectangle we'll call the length L and the width W We know that L + 3 = 2W So, if we subtract 3 from each side we get L = 2W - 3 We also know that 2L + 2W = 18 Now we can substitute the L terms 2(2W - 3) + 2W = 18 4W - 6 + 2W = 18 4W + 2W = 18 + 6 6W = 24 W = 4 So, if L + 3 = 2W then L + 3 = 8.... therefore L = 5 So now, we'll check that the measurements we've ended up with work out... 2L + 2W = 18 5 + 5 + 4 + 4 does indeed = 18

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The length of a rectangle is 3 inches less than twice the width If the perimeter of the rectangle is 18 inches how wide is the rectangle?

This involves solving a small system of equations. Let L represent length and W represent width. Our two equations are: I) L = 2W - 3 II) P = 2L + 2W = 18 since the perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of twice the length and twice the width. If we substitute 2W - 3 for L in equation II, then we get: 2(2W - 3) + 2W = 18, and simplifying the right hand side we get 6W - 6 = 18 if we add 6 to both sides we get 6W = 24, and dividing both sides by 6 we get W = 4. Now, if we plug this back into equation I, we have L = 2(4) -3 = 8 - 3 = 5. So the answer is: the length is 5 and the width is 4.

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