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Q: What is 5 minus the product of y and 3?
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What is the algebraic exspression for 5 minus the product of y and 3?

5 - 3y

What is Five minus the product of y and 3?

As an algebraic expression it is: 3y-5

What is the product of 5 and y plus 3?

if your question says 5(y+3) or 5 * (y+3) then its 5y+15

What is unary minus operator?

No. The subtraction operator is a binary operator that returns the result of subtracting the rhs operand from the lhs operand. The unary minus operator simply negates the rhs operand. int x = -5; // unary minus. x is (-5) int y = -x; // unary minus. y is (+5) y -= x; // binary minus/assign operator. y is (+10) --x; // unary decrement operator. x is (-6) y -= (-x); // binary minus/assign and unary minus operators. y is(+4)

What is 3y plus 5 equals y minus 3?

3y+5=y-3 subtract the y from the other side then: 2y+5=-3 subtract the 5 2y=-8 then divide 2 by both sides and your final answer should be: y= - 4

When A student found the slope of a line that passes through -3 10 and 5 -7 to be 3 over 8 what mistake did he make?

He has to1) subtract MINUS 7 for y'2) Use MINUS 3 and MINUS 5 for x and x'He incorrectly wrote this(y - y') / (x - x')like this:(10 - 7) / 3 + 5)He should have written this:(10 - (-7)) / (-3 -5)This comes out to(10 + 7) / (- 3 -5)17 / - 8Correct answer:Slope = 17 / - 8

How do you factor Y squared minus y minus 6?

y² - y - 6 = (y + 2)(y - 3)

What is 3 less than a number y?

y - 3

How do you factor y cubed minus 9y?


What is y squared minus 4y minus 5?

It is a quadratic equation in the form of y2-4y-5 = 0 and will have two solutions: When factorised: (y-5)(y+1) = 0 Therefore: y = 5 or y = -1

What is 4y squared minus 4 y minus 12?

it depends,if y = 0 the answer is -12 if y = 5 then the answer is 368

Find turning points for the function y equals x cubed divided by 3 minus x squared minus 3x plus 5?

Locate the turning point(s) for the following functions. (a) y=x3-x2 -3x + 5 3