

What is a binomial of degree 2?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: What is a binomial of degree 2?
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What are the degree of polynomials?

The degree of a monomial is the sum of the exponents. Example: 28x3yn2. Although the letters are different, the degree is 3+1+2. The 1 is understood above the y. So the degree is 6. The degree of anything besides a monomial is the highest degree of the other monomials. For example: 77a3b5c6+100xyz. | | 3+5+6 1+1+1 14 3 Although the 100 is the bigger number, the degree of this binomial is 14. The same is for a trinomial etc. You just find the degree of all monomials. The highest degree is the degree the whole binomial/trinomial ect. I hope I helped!

What is the relationship between binomial and a polynomial?

A binomial is a polynomial with exactly 2 terms.

X2 -5kx plus 25 the square of binomial. what is a possible value of k?

k can be 2 or -2. A binomial squared is: (a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b² Given x² - 5kx + 25 = (a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b² we find: a² = x² → a = ±x 2ab = -5kx b² = 25 → b = ±5 If we let a = x, then: 2ab = 2xb = -5kx → 2 × ±5 = -5k → k = ±2 If k = 2 then the binomial is (x - 5)² If k = -2 then the binomial is (x + 5)² To be complete if a = -x, then: If k = 2 then the binomial is (-x + 5)² If k = -2 then the binomial is (-x - 5)² which are the negatives of the binomials being squared.

Is this number a monomial or binomial or trinomial 30x6-1?

Binomial. Binomial. Binomial. Binomial.

Is it possible to have a cubic binomial in algebra?

Yes, it is when a polynomial has two terms with a degree of 3. ex: 4x^3+7

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Can 2asquared be a binomial?

2 a2 is a monomial, not a binomial but 2 + a2 is a binomial, so is 2 - a2 .

Explain cubic binomial quadratic trinomial and linear binomial?

Binomials are algebraic equations with two different terms. Trinomials are algebraic equations with three different terms. For example, w^2 + 7w + 7 would be a trinomial because there are three terms in it and you can't simplify it any further. w + 7w would not be a binomial because you could still simplify it to be 8w, which is a monomial. w + 7 would be a binomial because there are two terms in it and you can't simplify it any further. Monomials have one term, binomials have two, trinomials three, and four terms and on are called polynomials. A linear binomial would be a binomial in which the highest exponent, or power, is one. For example, x + 2. A quadratic trinomial is a trinomial in which the highest exponent or power is two, or the second power. For example, w^2 + 7w + 8. A cubic binomial is a binomial in which the highest exponent or power is 3. For example, 7w^3 + x^2. Since three is larger than two, it is the highest power and the equation is a cubic binomial. Equations to the fourth power and on are simply called fourth degree, fifth degree, and so forth. For example, fourth degree binomial, sixth degree trinomial, and fifth degree monomial. To sum it up, Monomial = one term Binomial = two terms Trinomial = three terms Polynomial = +4 terms Linear = 1 is the highest power/exponent Quadratic = 2 is the highest power/exponent Cubic = 3 is the highest power/exponent Fourth degree, fifth degree, sixth degree, etc. = the highest power/exponent is four or larger.

What is the technical name for a first degree polynomial?

A binomial.

What type of polynomial is formed by adding a second degree binomial to a fourth degree monomial. State the degree of this polynomial?

A fourth degree polynomial.

What is the define binomial?

A binomial is something with 2 numbers or compounds: 2+2 or (9x+2)(x-4)

What are the degree of polynomials?

The degree of a monomial is the sum of the exponents. Example: 28x3yn2. Although the letters are different, the degree is 3+1+2. The 1 is understood above the y. So the degree is 6. The degree of anything besides a monomial is the highest degree of the other monomials. For example: 77a3b5c6+100xyz. | | 3+5+6 1+1+1 14 3 Although the 100 is the bigger number, the degree of this binomial is 14. The same is for a trinomial etc. You just find the degree of all monomials. The highest degree is the degree the whole binomial/trinomial ect. I hope I helped!

What is the relationship between binomial and a polynomial?

A binomial is a polynomial with exactly 2 terms.

Can a binomial have a degree of 4?

Yes. One example of this is 5x4+3x3-x2+9.

Is X-8 a first degree binomial?

Any expression with form Ax+b where a and b are constants are first degree binomials.

Is X 8 a first degree binomial?

Any expression with form Ax+b where a and b are constants are first degree binomials.

Is this 7x2-5x plus 2 a monomial binomial or trinomial?

The term with the highest power(s) of the unknown variable(s) is 7x2. The power is 2 so the expression is a binomial.

Is 5x2y plus 4x - 6 a binomial?

if the 5x2y means 5x2y + 4x - 6 then yes it is a binomial but if the 5x2y means 5x * 2y + 4x - 6 then no it is not a binomial a nomial means one degree. a binomial means something to the second power. a polynomial means anything that has a 3rd power and greater.