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Well, the basic idea is that every positive number is the square of some number. For example, 2 is the square of a number known as the square root of 2; 3 is the square of a number known as the square root of 3; etc. The "perfect squares" are the squares of integers. That would make all other numbers "non-perfect squares", though this term is not usually used in practice.

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Q: What is an example of a non perfect square?
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Why is a non-perfect square irrational?

The question is based on a total misunderstanding. For example, 5 is a non-perfect square but 5 is not irrational!

Is 17 a perfect square?

no 17 is a non-perfect square

Is a non perfect square irrational?

No. 2.25 = 1.5^2 is a non-perfect square but it is rational.

What is an example of a non perfect square that is rational?

0.5625 = 9/16. It is not a perfect square but sqrt(9/16) = sqrt(9)/sqrt(16) = 3/4

Is a non-perfect square a rational number?

It can be. 7 is a non-perfect square and, being an integer, it is rational.

What Example of perfect square with answer?

A number multiplied by itself is a perfect square as for example 5 times 5 = 25 which is a perfect square

Is 10 square or non square?

It is not a perfect square.

Is 10 a square or non square?

It is not a perfect square.

What the different from perfect square an non perfect square?

the perfect square is a number that can muliply by its self to equeal its self.

What is the definition of a non perfect square?

I have never before heard of a non-perfect square but I suppose it would be any non-zero number that is not the square of an integer. People sometimes say "perfect square" to mean an integer that is a square of an integer - I think the "perfect" is redundant but if you do not think "square" is clear by itself, say "integer square."

What is the difference between finding the square root of a perfect square and the square root of a non perfect square?

The square root of a non-perfect square may be irrational and therefore may not be easy to find. However, it need not be.For example, 2.25 is not a perfect square but 2.25 = 9/4 and both 9 and 4 are perfect squares. So sqrt(2.25) = sqrt(9/4) = sqrt(9)/sqrt(4) = 3/2 = 1.5. Not that difficult!

What is a non perfect square?

non perfect square is that it cannot be divided by any of the number . It is divided by only itself and one