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Q: What is sine 0?
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What is the sine of 0?

Sine (0) = 0 Sin(30) = 0.5 Sin(45) = 0.7071... Sin(60) = 0.8660.... Sin(90) = 1 Are just a few of the Sine(Trigonometric) values.

Why does the sine graph always start at 0?

sin(0) = 0 but, in general, the sine graph need not start at 0. For example, sin(x + 2) does not start at 0.

Is the sine of an angle positive?

The sine of an angle between 0 and 180 degrees is positive. The sine of an angle between 180 degrees and 360 degrees is negative. At 0, 180 and 360 degrees the sine is 0.The sine is a periodic function with period 360 degrees, so angles differing by a multitude of 360 degrees have the same sine. Hence, for instance, the sines of the angles 0, 360, 720, ... are equal, namely 0.In any right triangle the sine of one of the non-right angles will be positive, since these are greater than 0 and less than 90 degrees.

Is the sine of an acute angle is greater that 1?

No. The sine of an acute angle is less than 1. An acute angle is less than 90 degrees. The sine of 0 degrees is 0, and the sine of 90 degrees is +1. So the sines of the angles between 0 degrees and 90 degrees are less than 1.

How do you find the the sine of -900 degrees?

Divide -900 by 360, and the remainder will be the angle you need to find the sine of: -900 / 360 = -2.5 --> -900 = 360*(-2 - 0.5), so sine(-180°) = sine(-900°). sine(-180°) = 0

Fourier series of sine wave?

The fourier series of a sine wave is 100% fundamental, 0% any harmonics.

What is cosine 0?

Cosine (0) = 1 Sin(0) = 0 The sine and cosine curves are two intertwining curves, that complement each other, hence the words 'Sine (Curve) and Cosine ( COmplementary Curve).

What is tangent of 0?

Zero. Tangent = sine/cosine. sin(0) = 0 and cos(0) = 1, so 0/1 = 0.

Sine 2 theta sine4 theta 0?

That is not a question.

What is the derivative of sine of pi?

y = Sin(pi) = 0 Then its derivative is dy/dx = Cos(pi). = -1

What is the sine of 180?

The sine of 180 degrees is 0. Remember, the sine value on a unit circle is the y-value. If you find f(pi) in the function f(x)=sin(x), you will get zero as an answer.

How does the tangent function relate to sine and cosine?

Tangent = sine/cosine provided that cosine is non-zero. When cosine is 0, then tangent is undefined.