

What is sinx times siny?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: What is sinx times siny?
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What is sin 3x in terms of sin x?

given the identity sin(x+y)=sinx cosy + siny cosxsin2x = 2 sinx cosx andsin(2(x)+x) = sin 2x cos x + sinx cos 2xusing the last two identities givessin3x= 2 sinx cosx cosx + sinx cos2xfactoring the sinx we havesin3x = sinx(2cosx cosx+cos2x)which satisfies the requirement.However, we can simplify further since cos 2x = cosx cosx - sinx sinx (a well known identity)sin3x = sinx (2cosx cosx +cosx cosx - sinx sinx)so sin3x= sinx(3cosx cosx - sinx sinx)or sin 3x = 3.cos²x.sinx - sin³x* * * * *Good, but not good enough. The answer was required in terms of sin, not a mixture of sinx and cosx. Easily recitified, though, since cos²x = 1 - sin²xTherefore sin3x = 3*(1-sin²x)*sinx - sin³x= 3sinx - 3sin³x - sin³x= 3sinx - 4sin³x

When does cosx times sinx times sinx equal 1?

at the angles 0 and 360 degrees, or 0 and 2pi

Verify that Cos theta cot theta plus sin theta equals csc theta?

It's easiest to show all of the work (explanations/identities), and x represents theta. cosxcotx + sinx = cscx cosx times cosx/sinx + sinx = csc x (Quotient Identity) cosx2 /sinx + sinx = csc x (multiplied) 1-sinx2/sinx + sinx = csc x (Pythagorean Identity) 1/sinx - sinx2/sinx + sinx = csc x (seperate fraction) 1/sinx -sinx + sinx = csc x (canceled) 1/sinx = csc x (cancelled) csc x =csc x (Reciprocal Identity)

How do you Prove sin x times sec x equals tan x?

sinx*secx ( secx= 1/cos ) sinx*(1/cosx) sinx/cosx=tanx tanx=tanx

Prove this identity 1 plus cosx divide by sinx equals sinx divide by 1-cosx?


How do you solve 1 minus cosx divided by sinx plus sinx divided by 1 minus cosx to get 2cscx?

(1-cosx)/sinx + sinx/(1- cosx) = [(1 - cosx)*(1 - cosx) + sinx*sinx]/[sinx*(1-cosx)] = [1 - 2cosx + cos2x + sin2x]/[sinx*(1-cosx)] = [2 - 2cosx]/[sinx*(1-cosx)] = [2*(1-cosx)]/[sinx*(1-cosx)] = 2/sinx = 2cosecx

What is Osborn's rule?

It is used in hyperbolic functions; it's the rule to change a normal trig function into hyperbolic trig function. Example: cos(x-y) = cosx cosy + sinx siny Cosh(x-y) = coshx coshy - sinhx sinhy Whenever you have a multiplication of sin, you write the hyperbolic version as sinh but change the sign. also applied when: tanxsinx (sinx)^2 etc... Hope this helps you

How do you verify the identity sinx cscx 1?

sinx cscx = 1 is the same thing as sinx(1/sinx) = 1 which is the same as sinx/sinx = 1. This evaluates to 1=1, which is true.

Can you Show 1 over sinx cosx - cosx over sinx equals tanx?

From the Pythagorean identity, sin2x = 1-cos2x. LHS = 1/(sinx cosx) - cosx/sinx LHS = 1/(sinx cosx) - (cosx/sinx)(cosx/cosx) LHS = 1/(sinx cosx) - cos2x/(sinx cosx) LHS = (1- cos2x)/(sinx cosx) LHS = sin2x /(sinx cosx) [from Pythagorean identity] LHS = sin2x /(sinx cosx) LHS = sinx/cosx LHS = tanx [by definition] RHS = tanx LHS = RHS and so the identity is proven. Q.E.D.

What is 1 sinx?

If you mean 1 - sinx = 0 then sinx = 1 (sin-1) x = 90

Integration of root sinx?

integration of (sinx)^1/2 is not integration of root sinx is impossible

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