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If X is the variable, then X/(-12+9) = x/(-3) = -X/3

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Q: What is the answer to a variable divided by 9 more than negative 12?
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I dont really understand the question, but that sounds like a math term. it means negative 2, negative 3, and 2a. a is going to be a variable that you will more than likely have to solve for.

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An equation with more than one variable is called a multivariate equation.

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You have to specify more information than that. If y is an independent variable and you're talking about the derivative with respect to x, it would be 1/y.

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Negative numbers are less than zero, not more.

What is is an equation with more than one variable called?

Simultaneous equation* * * * *No, simultaneous equations are two or more equations that have all to be true at the same time (simultaneously) for the solution.An equation with more than one variable is a multivariate equaion.Area = 0.5*Length*Height or a = 0.5*l*h for the area of a triangle has more than one variables, but it is certainly not simultaneous.An equation with a variable is called a single variable equation. An equation that has more than one variable is called as a multi-variable equation. A polynomial equation has one variable in different powers: a common example is quadratic equations.