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Please use the Pythagoran property: calculate the square root of ((difference in x-coordinates)2 + (difference in y-coordinates)2).

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Q: What is the distance between 5 -2 and 10 5?
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What is the distance between the points 10 and 5 and 5 and -2?

The distance between (10, 5) and (5, -2) is sqrt[(10 - 5)2 + (5 + 2)2] = sqrt(52 + 72) = sqrt(25 + 49) = sqrt(74) = 8.602 (to 3 dp)

on a coordinate plane, what is the distance between the point (-2, -3) and (-2, 10)?

If you mean points of (5, 5) and (1, 5) then the distance is 4

What is the distance between the points (5 10) and (5 2)?

It is the square root of: (5-5)2+(6-2)2 = 4

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The distance between (4, 5) and (10, 3) = sqrt(40) = 2*sqrt(10) = 6.3246 approx.

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If you mean points of: (-6, -10) and (2, 5) then it works out as 17

What is the distance between 5 and -5?

You could write them out to show the distance on the numberline-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5or subtract minus 5 from 55 - -5 = 10

What is the distance between points 1 -1 and -3 5?

distance = sqrt( (xf-xi)2 + (yf-yi)2 ) = sqrt( ((-3) - (1))2 + ((5) - (-1))2 ) = sqrt(52)

What is the distance formula between 2 6 and 5 2?

(Distance)2 = (2 - 5)2 + (6 - 2)2

Find the distance between 5 2 and 2 4 If necessary round your answer to the nearest hundredth?

Distance is sq rt ((x2-x1)2+((y2-y1) So 9+1 is 10. sqrt of 10 is 3.16 distance rounded to hundredths

What is the the distance between the points (2 4) and (5 0)?

Points: (2, 4) and (5, 0) Distance: 5

What is the distance between 2 and 5?

3 because 5- 2 is 3.

What is the distance between the points 2 and 4 and 5 and 0?

-2 & 5