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Q: What is the division line called?
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Related questions

Is that long division box called a division line?

Yep, to do long division the box is called a division bracket.

What is the name of the line dividing a numerator and a denominator called in maths terms?

the line is called a division bar

What does the line in fraction called?

It is usually called the division bar or the fraction bar

What is the line in a fraction called?

Division bar

What is the line between fractions called?

It's called the vinculum, but it can also be called the fraction bar or division bar.

What is half a line of verse called?

Half a line of verse is called a hemistich. A hemistich is a division of a line of poetry into two parts, often creating a pause or a sense of completion within the line.

What is the line that you put above a division problem that it means that it could go on forever?

it is called the repeat line thingy!

What is a numerator in division?

When you write a division as one number above (or before) another, with a line between them, then the number on the top is the numerator. So, in the division x/y, x is the numerator. y is called the denominator.

During which stage of cell division do homologous chromosomes line up and pair with each other: mitosis or meiosis?

Homologous chromosomes line up and pair with each other during the stage of cell division called meiosis.

What word is used for the answer to a division problem?

The answer to a division problem is called a quotient or divide. The answer to a division problem is called a quotient or divide.

What is the long division bar called?

The long division symbol has no established name of its own. However, it consists of a closing bracket and a horizontal line on top of the numbers called a "vinculum" - from the Latin meaning "something which is tied up".

What is the line separating the numerator and denominator called?

They are called these names: 1. solidus 2. fraction bar 3. division bar