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CH3-C=O-NH2 +HCl----> CH3-C=O-OH+ NH4Cl

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Q: What is the equation for hydrolysis of the acetamide solution in a acid?
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How many milliliters of a 50 percent acid solution and how many milliliters of a 20 percent acid solution must be mixed to produce 36 mL of a 30 percent acid solution?

Answer:12mL of 50% solution and 24mL of 20% solution must be mixed to produce 36mL of a 30% acid solutionLet x = 50% acid solutiony = 20% acid solution Equations:x + y = 36mL ----equation (1)0.5x + 0.2y = 0.3 * 360.5x + 0.2y = 10.8multiplying by 105x + 2y = 108 ----equation (2)eliminating equations (1) and (2)-2(x + y = 36)-2-2x -2y = -725x +2y = 108=========3x = 36x=12substitute x=12 to equation (1)12 + y = 36y = 36 - 12y = 24thus 12mL of 50% solution and 24mL of 20% solution must be mixed to produce 36mL of a 30% acid solution

How much 5 percent acid must be added to 25 percent acid to get 200 ml of 8 percent acid?

Answer:170mL of 5% acid solution and 30mL of 25% solution must be mixed to produce 200mL of a 8% acid solutionLet x = 5% acid solutiony = 25% acid solution Equations:x + y = 200mL ----equation (1)0.05x + 0.25y = 0.08 * 2000.05x + 0.25y = 16multiplying by 1005x + 25y = 1600 ----equation (2)eliminating equations (1) and (2)-5(x + y = 200)-5-5x -5y = -10005x +25y = 1600=========20y = 600y=30substitute x=30 to equation (1)x + 30 = 200x = 200 - 30x = 170thus 170mL of 5% solution and 30mL of 25% solution must be mixed to produce 200mL of a 8% acid solution

What quantity of 75 per cent acid solution must be mixed with a 30 per cent solution to produce 945 mL of a 50 per cent solution?

Answer:525mL of 75% solution and 420mL of 30% solution must be mixed to produce 945mL of a 50% acid solutionLet x = 75% acid solutiony = 30% acid solution Equations:x + y = 945mL ----equation (1)0.75x + 0.3y = 0.5 * 9450.75x + 0.3y = 472.5multiplying by 10075x + 30y = 4725 ----equation (2)eliminating equations (1) and (2)-30(x + y = 945)-30-30x -30y = -2835075x +30y = 4725============45x = 23625x=525substitute x=525 to equation (1)525 + y = 945y = 945 - 525y = 420thus 525mL of 75% solution and 420mL of 30% solution must be mixed to produce 945mL of a 50% acid solution

What is Henderson-Hasselbalch equation?

Its an equation you can use to find the pH of a solution. it is.... --- pH = pKa + log (Base/Acid) --- these may help too Ka = 10^-pKa Kw = Ka*Kb

How much pure acid should be mixed with 5 gallons of a 20 percent acid solution to get a 50 percent acid solution?

x = amount of acid to add. y = final volume. 5 gal + x = y original amount of acid + acid added = final amount of acid (5 X .2) + x = O.5y Subtract the second equation from the first one. 5 - 1 + x - x = y - 0.5y 4 = 0.5y 8 = y Therefore the final volume is 8 gallons. 5 gal + x = 8 x = 3 gal. the amount of pure acid to add. Check the answer 5 X .2 = 1 gal of acid in original solution. 3 gallons added = 4 gallons total acid in solution. 4 gallons total acid in final solution of 8 gallons total solution = 50% acid.

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