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z=e^(2 times pi times i times t)

If t goes from 0 to 1, then you get the unit circle.

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Q: What is the equation of circle in complex number?
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What is the complex number of z 2 - Ii?

The complex number of the equation z = x + iy is x.

What is an algebraic number?

An algebraic number is a complex number which is the root of a polynomial equation with rational coefficients.

When you make the circle smaller which number in the standard equation for a circle centered at the origin decreases?

The radius of the circle decreases when you make the circle smaller.

In the standard equation for a circle centered at any point a horizontal movement of the circle results in a change in which number?

the number that is part of the x-term

What number changes in the equation for a circle when you move the circle horizontally?

The x-coordinate of the circle's center changes when you move the circle horizontally. This is because the equation for a circle is (x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2, where (h,k) is the center of the circle. Moving the circle horizontally shifts the circle left or right, changing the value of h.

When you make the circle bigger or smaller which number of thte standard equation for a circle centered at the origin changes?

The Radius

What are complex root?

The complex roots of an equation are the complex numbers that are solutions to the equation.

When you make the circle bigger or smaller which number of the standard equation for a circle centered at the origin changes?

Standard equation for a circle centred at the origin is x2 + y2 = r2 where r is the radius of the circle. If you increase the size of the circle then the radius must increase, so r2 will be larger. eg a circle of radius 2 has the equation x2 + y2 = 4, if the radius increases to 3 then the equation becomes x2 + y2 = 9

What equation Describes the circle With the radius 9?

(x2 + any number) + (y2 + any number) = 81

The equation of the inner circle is x2 plus y2 equals 4 the radius of the outer circle is four times the radius of the inner circle write the equation of the outer circle?

The inner circle is x2 + y2 = 4. The radius of the inner circle is the square root of 4, which is 2. To find the radius of the outer circle, multiply 2 times 4. The radius of the outer circle is 8. Square 8 (82 or 8 x 8) to find the number to put into the equation of the outer circle. This is 64. The equation for the outer circle is x2 + y2 = 64.

How is solving a quadratic equation with complex numbers like solving a quadratic equation with real numbers?

Because of how close the two are. The only difference between the two is that a complex number is any whole number along side of a fraction, while a real number is any positive number.

What is the solution set of an equation of a circle?

The solution set is all points on the circle.