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Q: What is the indefinite answer of 3(3x-1)4 dx?
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What is the indefinite integral?

An indefinite integral is a version of an integral that, unlike a definite integral, returns an expression instead of a number. The general form of a definite integral is: ∫ba f(x) dx. The general form of an indefinite integral is: ∫ f(x) dx. An example of a definite integral is: ∫20 x2 dx. An example of an indefinite integral is: ∫ x2 dx In the definite case, the answer is 23/3 - 03/3 = 8/3. In the indefinite case, the answer is x3/3 + C, where C is an arbitrary constant.

Find the indefinite integral x divided by x plus 1 quantity squared dx?

∫(x/(x+1)2)dx =∫((x+1-1)/(x+1)2)dx =∫(1/(x+1))dx - ∫(1/(x+1)2)dx u=x+1, du=dx ∫(1/u)du - ∫(1/u2)du =log(u) - (-1/u) + C =log(x+1) + 1/(x+1) + C

Derivative of 5ex plus 2?

5ex+2?d/dx(u+v)=du/dx+dv/dxd/dx(5ex+2)=d/dx(5ex)+d/dx(2)-The derivative of 5ex is:d/dx(cu)=c*du/dx where c is a constant.d/dx(5ex)=5*d/dx(ex)-The derivative of 2 is 0 because it is a constant.d/dx(5ex+2)=(5*d/dx(ex))+(0)d/dx(5ex+2)=5*d/dx(ex)-The derivative of ex is:d/dx(eu)=eu*d/dx(u)d/dx(ex)=ex*d/dx(x)d/dx(5ex+2)=5*(ex*d/dx(x))-The derivative of x is:d/dx(xn)=nxn-1d/dx(x)=1*x1-1d/dx(x)=1*x0d/dx(x)=1*(1)d/dx(x)=1d/dx(5ex+2)=5*(ex*1)d/dx(5ex+2)=5*(ex)d/dx(5ex+2)=5ex5ex+2?d/dx(cu)=c*du/dx where c is a constant.d/dx(5ex+2)=5*d/dx(ex+2)-The derivative of ex+2 is:d/dx(eu)=eu*d/dx(u)d/dx(ex+2)=ex+2*d/dx(x+2)d/dx(5ex+2)=5*(ex+2*d/dx(x+2))-The derivative of x+2 is:d/dx(u+v)=du/dx+dv/dxd/dx(x+2)=d/dx(x)+d/dx(2)d/dx(5ex+2)=5*[ex+2*(d/dx(x)+d/dx(2))]-The derivative of x is:d/dx(xn)=nxn-1d/dx(x)=1*x1-1d/dx(x)=1*x0d/dx(x)=1*(1)d/dx(x)=1-The derivative of 2 is 0 because it is a constant.d/dx(5ex+2)=5*[ex+2*(1+0)]d/dx(5ex+2)=5*[ex+2*(1)]d/dx(5ex+2)=5*[ex+2]d/dx(5ex+2)=5ex+2

What is the derivative of lnx raised to 4?

ln(x4)?d/dx(ln(u))=1/u*d/dx(u)d/dx(ln(x4))=[1/x4]*d/dx(x4)-The derivative of x4 is:d/dx(x4)=4x4-1d/dx(x4)=4x3d/dx(ln(x4))=[1/x4]*(4x3)d/dx(ln(x4))=4x3/x4d/dx(ln(x4))=4/x(lnx)4?Chain rule: d/dx(ux)=x(u)x-1*d/dx(u)d/dx(lnx)4=4(lnx)4-1*d/dx(lnx)d/dx(lnx)4=4(lnx)3*d/dx(lnx)-The derivative of lnx is:d/dx(ln(u))=1/u*d/dx(u)d/dx(lnx)=1/x*d/dx(x)d/dx(lnx)=1/x*(1)d/dx(lnx)=1/xd/dx(lnx)4=4(lnx)3*(1/x)d/dx(lnx)4=4(lnx)3/x

How do you find the derivative of 9 to the 5x?

95x?d/dx(au)=au*ln(a)*d/dx(u)d/dx(95x)=95x*ln(9)*d/dx(5x)-The derivative of 5x is:d/dx(cu)=c*du/dx where c is a constantd/dx(5x)=5*d/dx(x)d/dx(95x)=95x*ln(9)*(5*d/dx(x))-The derivative of x is:d/dx(x)=1x1-1d/dx(x)=1*x0d/dx(x)=1*(1)d/dx(x)=1d/dx(95x)=95x*ln(9)*(5*1)d/dx(95x)=95x*ln(9)*(5)-95x can simplify to (95)x, which equals 59049x.-ln(9) can simplify to ln(32), so you can take out the exponent to have 2ln(3).d/dx(95x)=59049x*2ln(3)*(5)d/dx(95x)=10*59049x*ln(3)

Related questions

What is the indefinite integral?

An indefinite integral is a version of an integral that, unlike a definite integral, returns an expression instead of a number. The general form of a definite integral is: ∫ba f(x) dx. The general form of an indefinite integral is: ∫ f(x) dx. An example of a definite integral is: ∫20 x2 dx. An example of an indefinite integral is: ∫ x2 dx In the definite case, the answer is 23/3 - 03/3 = 8/3. In the indefinite case, the answer is x3/3 + C, where C is an arbitrary constant.

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The indefinite integral of (1/x^2)*dx is -1/x+C.

Find the indefinite integral x divided by x plus 1 quantity squared dx?

∫(x/(x+1)2)dx =∫((x+1-1)/(x+1)2)dx =∫(1/(x+1))dx - ∫(1/(x+1)2)dx u=x+1, du=dx ∫(1/u)du - ∫(1/u2)du =log(u) - (-1/u) + C =log(x+1) + 1/(x+1) + C

How would you evaluate the indefinite integral -2xcos3xdx?

Integrate by parts: ∫ uv dx = u ∫ v dx - ∫ (u' ∫ v dx) dx Let u = -2x Let v = cos 3x → u' = d/dx -2x = -2 → ∫ -2x cos 3x dx = -2x ∫ cos 3x dx - ∫ (-2 ∫ cos 3x dx) dx = -2x/3 sin 3x - ∫ -2/3 sin 3x dx = -2x/3 sin 3x - 2/9 cos 3x + c

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dx dx dx dx dx dx dx dx dx dx dx dx dx dx dx dx dx d dx dx dx dx dx dx dx dx

Y equals 4x squared minus 2?

y = 4x2 - 2 is a parabolic function with a focal point at the location (0, -2). It's derivative can be expressed as: dy/dx = 8x It's indefinite integral can be expressed as: ∫(4x2 - 2) dx = (4x3)/3 - 2x + C

Derivative of 5ex plus 2?

5ex+2?d/dx(u+v)=du/dx+dv/dxd/dx(5ex+2)=d/dx(5ex)+d/dx(2)-The derivative of 5ex is:d/dx(cu)=c*du/dx where c is a constant.d/dx(5ex)=5*d/dx(ex)-The derivative of 2 is 0 because it is a constant.d/dx(5ex+2)=(5*d/dx(ex))+(0)d/dx(5ex+2)=5*d/dx(ex)-The derivative of ex is:d/dx(eu)=eu*d/dx(u)d/dx(ex)=ex*d/dx(x)d/dx(5ex+2)=5*(ex*d/dx(x))-The derivative of x is:d/dx(xn)=nxn-1d/dx(x)=1*x1-1d/dx(x)=1*x0d/dx(x)=1*(1)d/dx(x)=1d/dx(5ex+2)=5*(ex*1)d/dx(5ex+2)=5*(ex)d/dx(5ex+2)=5ex5ex+2?d/dx(cu)=c*du/dx where c is a constant.d/dx(5ex+2)=5*d/dx(ex+2)-The derivative of ex+2 is:d/dx(eu)=eu*d/dx(u)d/dx(ex+2)=ex+2*d/dx(x+2)d/dx(5ex+2)=5*(ex+2*d/dx(x+2))-The derivative of x+2 is:d/dx(u+v)=du/dx+dv/dxd/dx(x+2)=d/dx(x)+d/dx(2)d/dx(5ex+2)=5*[ex+2*(d/dx(x)+d/dx(2))]-The derivative of x is:d/dx(xn)=nxn-1d/dx(x)=1*x1-1d/dx(x)=1*x0d/dx(x)=1*(1)d/dx(x)=1-The derivative of 2 is 0 because it is a constant.d/dx(5ex+2)=5*[ex+2*(1+0)]d/dx(5ex+2)=5*[ex+2*(1)]d/dx(5ex+2)=5*[ex+2]d/dx(5ex+2)=5ex+2

What is the derivative of x5lnx?

x5lnx?d/dx (uv)=u*dv/dx+v*du/dxd/dx (x5lnx)=x5*[d/dx(lnx)]+lnx*[d/dx(x5)]-The derivative of lnx is:d/dx(lnu)=(1/u)*[d/dx(u)]d/dx(lnx)=(1/x)*[d/dx(x)]d/dx(lnx)=(1/x)*[1]d/dx(lnx)=(1/x)-The derivative of x5 is:d/dx (xn)=nxn-1d/dx (x5)=5x5-1d/dx (x5)=5x4d/dx (x5lnx)=x5*[1/x]+lnx*[5x4]d/dx (x5lnx)=[x5/x]+5x4lnxd/dx (x5lnx)=x4+5x4lnx

Is dx cool?

Yes DX is very cool if you dont know what DX is, it is a Tag team on WWEofcourse DX is cool

What are some cheats for Free Realms?

srry guys, i only know a few, but here they are... FROGGY turns you into a frog ICE CREAM SURPRISE surrounds you with snow flakes SANDWICH makes you smaller...(i would recommend it, it is halarious) and STRAWBERRIES gives you some sort of straw berry hat... XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX DX

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What is the derivative of ddx(a2x)?

Assuming you mean what is the value of the derivative d/dx(a²x), then: d/dx(a²x) = a² The derivative (with respect to x) of d/dx(a²x) = d/dx(d/dx(a²x)) = d/dx(a²) = 0.