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Q: What is the intercepts of the line 3x 4y-12?
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Equation in ymx plus b for 3x plus 4y12?

If you mean 3x+4y = 12 then y = -3/4x +4

What is the x and y intercept of 3x plus 4y12?

If you mean 3x+4y = 12 then the x intercept = 4 and the y intercept = 3

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If you mean: y = 3x-4 then the parallel equation is y = 3x-14 because they both will have the same slope but different y intercepts

What is the equation of the line that is parallel to the line y 3x - 4 and passes through the point (4 -2)?

If you mean: y = 3x-4 then the parallel equation is y = 3x-14 because both equations will have the same slope but different y intercepts

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Find the x and y intercepts of 3x-2y6?

Given the linear equation 3x - 2y^6 = 0, the x and y intercepts are found by replacing the x and y with 0. This gives the intercepts of x and y where both = 0.

How do you find the y intercept of a line with only slope?

tough to answer, but if slope is only provided then it should intercept at (0,0). Such as, y=3x, that intercepts at 0.

What are the x and y intercepts of the line 3x-5y equals 2?

x-intercept: (2/3, 0) y-intercept: (0, 2)

How do you write down the equation of the straight line that passes through the point and is parallel to the line Y equals?

As for example: y = 3x+6 and y = 3x+9 are parallel to each other because they have the same slope or gradient but different y intercepts

What are the x and y intercepts of the equation 5-y-3x?

The question does not contain an equation (or inequality) but an expression. An expression cannot have intercepts.

What is the greatest number of y-intercepts a line can have?

There is no limit to the number of y-intercepts a line can have. The axis itself is a line and it intercepts itself an infinite number of times.