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Conventionally, length > width. With that assumption, if L is the length and W the width (both in metres) then

3.75 < L < 7.5 and W = 7.5 - L

If L = 3.75 then W = L and the rectangle becomes a square.

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Q: What is the length and width of a rectangle that has a fixed perimeter of 15 meters?
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In general describe the rectangle that has the least area for a fixed perimeter?

For a fixed perimeter, the area will always be the same, regardless of how you describe the rectangle.

Which rectangle has the greatest area for a fixed perimeter?

The greatest area for a fixed perimeter will be when all the sides are equal or when the rectangle approaches the shape of a square.

Do all shapes with fixed perimeter have same area?

nope because if u have a square with a side length of 4 then the perimeter is 16 and the area is 16 and say if u have a rectangle with side lengths of 2 and 6 then the perimeter is 16 but the area is 12 so the answer is no

The length of a rectangle is fixed at 24 cm what widths will mame the perimeter greater than 100cm?

P (perimeter of a rectangle) = 2*l+2*w 2*24+2*w &gt; 100 2*w &gt; 52 w &gt; 26 Any width greater than 26cm will cause the perimeter to be greater than 100cm.

How do describe a rectangle with whole number dimensions that has the greatest perimeter for a fixed area?

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The width of a retangle is fixed at 16cm what lenghts will make the perimeter greater than 78cm?

The perimeter of a rectangle is 2 x length + 2 x width. If the width is 16 then 78 = 2 x length + 2 x 16 2 x length = 78 - 32 = 46 length = 23. For the perimeter to be greater than 78 cm, the length must be greater than 23 cm

What is the maximum area for a rectangle whose perimeter is 136?

The maximum area for a rectangle of fixed perimeter is that of the square that can be formed with the given perimeter. 136/4 = 34, so that the side of such a square will be 34 and its area 342 = 1156.

What is a fixed area of a rectangle?

A fixed area of a rectangle is an area that doesn't change. An area is a quantity that measures the space of a shape.Consider this example:A = length x width, which is the formula of a rectangleIf A is fixed, then it depends on what values length and width are. Then, length is indirectly proportional to width in order for A to remain fixed.

What is the formula for fixed area of a rectangle?

Area rectangle = length x width (using same units).

What is fixed perimeter?

fixed perimeter is the perimeter being fixed

How do you find the fixed area of a rectangle?

I don't know what you mean by fixed area. All I know is that the area of a rectangle is the length times the width. As long as you don't change the length or the width, or change it into a different kind of shape, this area will remain fixed.

The width of a rectangle is fixed at 14 cm What lengths will make the perimeter greater than 98 cm?

L + W = P/2 = 49 so Length must be greater than 35 cm