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Q: What is the name of the number of bits used to store a sample of sound?
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The number of bits used to store a sample of sound is called?

The Word Size.

The number of bits used to store a sample of sound is called the?

sample size"Bit depth. Please learn English before posting anything else on the internet." No... bit depth describes the number of bits of information recorded for each sample.Where as the number of bits used to store a sample sound is called the sample size. P.S. Before you attempt to insult somebody about learning English make sure your facts are right or you look like an idiot.sample sizeor maybesample depthor mabyecard sizeor maybesampling rate

9 How many samples can be stored in 8 bits?

If 8-bits were used to hold one number, the sample range would go from -128 to +127. Since sound samples can be both positive and negative you would use this range instead of the "bit math" 0 to 255. If 8-bits were used to hold one number, the sample range would go from -128 to +127. Since sound samples can be both positive and negative you would use this range instead of the "bit math" 0 to 255.

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What is the difference between sample size and sampling rate?

Rate refers to frequency, while size refers to the amount. Thus, Sampling Rate is measured in Hertz (number of times per second a sample is taken), and Sampling Size is measured in Bits (number of binary digits of information taken at a single time). Thus, if you Sample at 10 Hz/8 bits, that means you take 8 bits of information, 10 times per second.

How many bits are required to sample an incoming signal 4000 times per second using 64 different amplitude levels?

You will need many discrete bits. The number goes up because of the high number of amplitude levels.

The number of bits used to store color information about each pixel is called?

the Bit depth

How many bits are required to store generation?

log(number of generations) / log(2) Round the answer up.

How would soil sample be described?

Crumbly, bits of earth.

How many bits are in a conventional PCM voice sample?


What does digital recording do to an analog sound wave?

It quantizes it into discrete points represented by zeros and ones (digital information). The number of samples must be at least two times the highest frequency component of the analog wave. The number of bits in each sample determines how close the digital information is to the actual value of the analog signal.