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a heptagon has 7 sides. you cannot draw a diagonal to the 2 adjacent vertices, so 7-2 = 5. there would be 5 diagonals.

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Q: What is the number of diagonals drawn from one vertex on a heptagon?
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If you are merely drawing from one vertex to all the others, the number of triangles in any n-sided figure is equal to n-2. In this case, a heptagon has seven sides, and thus (7 - 2) = 5 triangles can be drawn.

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A diagonal of a polygon is a segment drawn from one vertex to another non-adjacent vertex in a polygon. This leaves 32 diagonals that can be drawn from one vertex in a 35 sided polygon.

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Three fewer than the total number of vertices.

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If you mean "How many diagonals can be drawn from one vertex of a figure with 16 sides", the formula is n-3, where "n" being the number of sides of the figure. So 16-3 = 13 diagonals that can be drawn from one vertex.

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How many diagonals can be drawn from any vertex of a 20-sided polygon?

It is 18 diagonals

How many diagonals can be drawn from one vertex of a polygon of 50 sides?

47 sides. Take a vertex of an n-sided polygon. There are n-1 other vertices. It is already joined to its 2 neighbours, leaving n-3 other vertices not connected to it. Thus n-3 diagonals can be drawn in from each vertex. For n=50, n-3 = 50-3 = 47 diagonals can be drawn from each vertex. The total number of diagonals in an n-sided polygon would imply n-3 diagonals from each of the n vertices giving n(n-3). However, the diagonal from vertex A to C would be counted twice, once for vertex A and again for vertex C, thus there are half this number of diagonals, namely: number of diagonals in an n-sided polygon = n(n-3)/2.