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Q: What is the number of distinquishable permutation of the letters in the word September?
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What is the number of distinguishable permutation of the letters in the word September?

September has 9 letter, of which one appears 3 times. So the number of distinct permutations is 9!/3! = 120,960

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permutation without replacement

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There can be only one permutation of a single number: so the answer is 7.

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What number of permutation of the letters in the word smart?

For the first letter, you can have any of 5 choices. Then for the next, you can have any of four. Then for the next, three and so on. Thus the number of permutations can be calculated by 5x4x3x2x1. Doing this gives 120. Therefore the number of permutations of the letters in the word smart is 120.

What is the symbol for permutation?

nPrwhere:n number of objectsr is number of arrangements

How many different arrangements of 7 letters can be formed from the letters in the word ALGEBRA?

The number of 7 letter permutations of the word ALGEBRA is the same as the number of permutation of 7 things taken 7 at a time, which is 5040. However, since the letter A is duplicated once, you have to divide by 2 in order to find out the number of distinct permutations, which is 2520.

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How do you say 7Th September 2011 in 5 letters without using number?

You cannot (answer dated 10 September 2011).

What do the following words have in common - carbon mars four seven September Saturn and fifth?

Carbon- sixth element, contains six letters. Mars- fourth planet, contains four letters. Four- fourth number, contains four letters. Seven- seventh number, contains seven letters. September- ninth month, contains nine letters. Saturn- sixth planet, contains six letters. Fifth- fifth number, contains five letters.

Which months have an odd number of letters?

January March April May September October

How do you find the permutation?

You do not have to figure the permutation. You simply rearrange the order of the numbers that you are presented with. The permutations of the number set 1, 2, 3 include 1, 3, 2, and 2, 1, 3.