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It is 13.2%

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Q: What is the percent probability of winning in American Roulette if you placed a bet on 0 00 1 2 3 combination with one single chip?
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What is the probability of 33.3 percent?

The probability of 33.3 percent is 0.333.

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probability of 75 percent = 3/4

How do you find the percent of probability?

You multiply the probability by 100.

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Refer back to the first clause. The answer is 50 per cent!

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IF probability of rain is X percent then probability of no rain is 100- X percent. For example if prob of rain is 80% prob of no rain is 20%

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It all depends on what you are using to try to breed. Each combination has a different probability.

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The probability for heart disease in a population is 30 percent the probability for the flu in the population is 50 percent the probability of getting both is 10 percent why or why not?

When determining the probability that two events happen at the same time, you convert the percents to decimals and then multiply the percents together. Therefore, 30 percent, or .3, times 50 percent, or .5 .3 x .5 = .15 Converting back into a percentage, the answer is 15% probability that you will get both. 10% is therefore incorrect.

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The probability is 10 percent.

Are decimals used in probability?

Yes decimals are used in probability; also percent and odds.

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40 out of 10 is not possible so the probability is 0.