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18`S, 175`E by the usual measure, or -18.00, 175.00 in polar.

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How do you convert polar to rectangular coordinates?

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What are 2 polar coordinates for the point 2 0?

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What is the need for conversion of polar coordinate to Cartesian coordinate?

Some problems are easier to solve using polar coordinates, others using Cartesian coordinates.

How do polar coordinates work?

Polar coordinates are another way to write down a location on a two dimensional plane. The first number in a pair of coordinates is the distance one has to travel. The second number in the pair is the angle from the origin.

Why you need more than one coordinate system?

That is because - for example - some calculations are easier in polar coordinates, and some are easier in rectangular coordinates. For example, complex numbers are easier to add and subtract in rectangular coordinates, and easier to multiply and divide in polar coordinates.