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Theoretically we might imagine that the probability that a woman would give birth to a daughter would be 1/2. With this assumption then the probability would be 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = (1/2)6 = 1/26 = 1/64

However, there are other considerations:

  • The ratio of boys to girls at birth varies by country. (The most boys to girls occurs in-wait for it-Liechtenstein.) This means that the probability of giving birth to six girls in a row in some country would be less, in others maybe more.
  • If a women gave birth to three girls in a row then you would have some grounds for suspecting that there could be something about her and her partner that favours the conceptions of girls. If this were true then the probability of there being six girls in a row would be much higher.
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Q: What is the probability of a woman giving birth to 6 daughters in a row?
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A women gives birth to a son two years later she gives birth to another son what is the probability that her third child will be a girl?

There are no relationship between this 3 events, the probability to give birth to a girl can not be deduce from previous birth given by a women. So the probability that the third child will be a girl is the same for this woman as for any other woman, no matter what happened before. It's like rolling a dice, if one gets an ace and an ace, it does not change the chance to get another ace for the third roll, or a 2, or a 3,.... All the roll results are independent if the dice is not loaded

A committee consists of 7 woman and 4 men what is the probability that the choice is a woman?

7/11Note:Choosing people in a committee is not a matter of chance or probability. Personality, skill, seniority etc. enter into the decision.

A nursing class has 13 women and 18 men If a student is chosen randomly to be the team leader what is the probability the student is a woman?

The probability that a randomly chosen student is a woman can be calculated by dividing the number of women by the total number of students in the class. In this case, there are 13 women and 31 total students, so the probability is 13/31, which simplifies to approximately 0.419 or 41.9%.

What is the probability of a woman becoming pregnant if she has had a sterilisation?

Sterilisation of the woman has a 0.2% failure rate. If she and her partner are otherwise normal and do not use protection, there is an 85% chance of pergnancy occurring without the sterilisation. This means there is around a 1.6% probability of pergnancy in the first year after the procedure.

A nursing class has 13 women and 18 men if a student chosen randomly to be the team leader what is the probability the student is a woman?

least likely

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