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im thinking its 2 of of 20 ( 2/20)

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Q: What is the probability of choosing 2 boys from a class of 9 boys and 11 girls?
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What is the probability of a girl being chosen if there are 10 boys and 14 girls?

If the choice is unbiased, the change is 14/(10+14). If the chooser prefers choosing boys, the probability is 0.

What is probability 2 girls are chosen if 10 students are girls and 15 are boys?

The probability of choosing 2 girls at random from group of 25 students of which10 are girls and 15 are boys is:P( 2 girls) = (10/25)∙(9/24) = 3/20 = 0.15 = 15%

What is the difference between a probability and a fraction?

The probability is always a fraction except when it is 0 or 1. If a probability = 1 then it will definitely happen. If the probability is 0 then it will not happen. If you toss a fair coin the probability of heads is 1/2, and the probability of tails is 1/2. These fractions are representations of the probabilities. Not all fractions are representative of probabilities. Fractions can be used to represent a portion of a whole. Like what portion of a class is boys, and what portion is girls: If there are 8 boys and 7 girls, then the 8/15 of the class is boys, and 7/15 of the class is girls.

There are 10 boys and 12 girls in a class if one student is selected at random from the class what is the probability it is a girl?

The probability is the number of girls divided by the number of students, so 12/22, or 6/11

What is the probability you will select a girl from the class if you have 17 girls and 10 boys?

17 out of 27, or about 0.6296.

There are 100 students distributed into 4 classrooms. There are 54 girls and 46 boys. What is the probability that a class will have 15 girls?

I am not going to help you cheat in math class!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If there are 5 girls and 10 boys in class what is the probability that he will call on a girl then a boy?

a 33.3333333333333333333% chance because there are 15 people in the class.

What if a class of 25 students has 15 girls and boys if one student is chosen at random what is the probability it is a girl?

The probability is 15/25 = 3/5

What is the probability of choosing one boy and one girl if a club consists of 15 boys and 5 girls and two are randomly picked?

It is 15/38.

What the probability of choosing 2 boys in a class that has 7 girls 3 boys in a fraction?

Prob = 3/45 = 1/15Prob = 3/45 = 1/15Prob = 3/45 = 1/15Prob = 3/45 = 1/15

What are the chances of picking a boy out of a class with 12 girls and 9 boys?

If the person is picked at random, the the probability is 3/7.