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It is 0.0146

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Q: What is the probability of obtaining a Z value between -2.4 to -2.0?
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What is the value of 4800 if the probability is 20?

The value of 4800 is 4800 and probability has nothing to do with it.

What is the probability of picking a prime number from numbers between 1 and 20?

The probability is 8/20.

Is 20 a probability?

No, a probability must needs be a number between 0 and 1.20% might be a probability, though - since that is equivalent to 0.2.

When a continuous random variable has a uniform distribution from 20 to 28 what is the probability that it will take on a value between 21 and 25?

(25-21) / (28-20) = 4/8 =0.5 or 50%

How do you find the probability of 20 out of 50?

The probability is 20/50 = 0.4

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Probability of a spinner of 20 landing on 5 is 1/20.

The probability density function has what value in the interval between 20 and 28?

I think you left off some important information. Perhaps you can supply this information, to obtain assistance. To calculate the probability or the chance of occurrence between two values, we calculate: Pr{a < X < b} = F(b) - F(a) where F(x) = cumulative probability distribution. The distribution requires certain known parameters. In the case of the Normal distribution, the mean and standard deviation are parameters. In your particular case, a = 20 and b = 28.

What is the probability of picking 3 from 20 in fraction form?

The probability of picking a distinct set of 3 numbers from 20 is1/[20!/(3!)(17!)]= 1/1140The probability of only picking 3 from 20 is1/20

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The probability is 11/21.

What is the probability that a gaussian probability density function will take a value less than -2?

Assuming that you are considering a N(0,1) Gaussian distribution, the answer is approximately 1 in 20. The 0.95%ile (two tailed) occurs at -1.96 and 1.96.

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