Yes and the quotient is exactly 80997
293 is not divisible by 5. Only numbers that end on 0 or 5 are exactly divisible by 5.No, it is not.
Yes! and the quotient is 47
The largest 5-digit number divisible exactly by 99 is 99990.
Not exactly because it will have remainder
Yes and the quotient is exactly 80997
293 is not divisible by 5. Only numbers that end on 0 or 5 are exactly divisible by 5.No, it is not.
Yes! and the quotient is 47
The largest 5-digit number divisible exactly by 99 is 99990.
1435 is divisible by 5.1435 ÷ 5 = 287 (The quotient doesn't have a remainder.)
yes the answer is 12
Yes, but not evenly, quotient is 5 and remainder is 1
Yes, but not evenly, quotient is 5057, remainder is 4
403÷8 gives 50 as quotient and 3 as remainder. Dividend- remainder=divisor ×quotient 403-3=8*50 which is 400. our value is 403 So increase divisor 8*51=408. 403+5 gives 408. So 5 must be added to 403 to get a no divisible by 8.
Nope, 10 is divisible by 5, 2, and 1. You are looking for the number 12. 12 is divisible by 6.
1, 2, 4, 5, and 10