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Q: What is true about the sum of the length and the width for any rectangles with the same perimeterbut different areas?
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How do you find the areas of the rectangles?

multiply the length with the breadth.

Is it true that the greater the perimeter the greater the area?

No, in general that is not true. For two similar figures it is true. But you can easily design two different figures that have the same perimeters and different areas, or the same area and different perimeters. For example, two rectangles with a different length-to-width ratio.

What is the side length of an area of 9 square meter?

If it's a square, then each side is 3 meters long.But there are an infinite number of different rectangles, with all differentlengths and widths, that all have areas of 9 square meters.

Why could two students obtain different values for the calculated areas of the same rectangle?

because it was estimation, the lengths were different and the rectangles are not the same

How do you work out the area of a compound shape?

wht u hve to do is to cut the shape into rectangles and then times the length and width together on each rectangle. then add up all the rectangles areas and add them alll up. ta da

How are rectangles related to the distributive property?

Rectangles are related to the distributive property because you can divide a rectangle into smaller rectangles. The sum of the areas of the smaller rectangles will equal the area of the larger rectangle.

Rectangles with the area of 24cm?

In order to get a rectangle with an area of 24 centimeters, the length and width multiplied need to equal 24. On top of that, length and width may not be equal, or the shape would be a square instead of a rectangle. Examples of rectangles with 24cm areas: 1x24 cm 2x12 cm 3x8 cm 4x6 cm

Are the areas all the same size?

No, areas can vary in size based on their dimensions. Different geometric shapes, such as squares, rectangles, circles, and triangles, have different formulas to calculate their areas. Additionally, irregular shapes will have unique methods to determine their areas.

Are all rectangles with the perimiter of 20 feet equal the same area?

No. For example, a 1 ft by 9 ft rectangle (2 sides of length 1 and 2 sides of length 9) has perimeter 20 ft and an area of 9 square feet. But a 4 ft by 6 ft rectangle also has a perimeter of 20 feet, but an area of 24 square feet. These two rectangles both have the same perimeter of 20 feet but different areas.

How do you find the area of a storage box with the sides 6.3 inches 12.6 inches and 4.2 inches and turn it into square inches?

Do you mean the surface area of the box? If so... What you do is break the surface area into 6 rectangles: Two rectangles have sides of length 6.3 and 12.6 inches. Two rectangles have sides of length 6.3 and 4.2 inches. Two rectangles have sides of length 12.6 and 4.2 inches. Find the area of each of the six rectangles (using the standard formula for the area of a rectangle, A = W x H), and add up all six. The sum of the areas of the six rectangles will be the surface area of the box. Since the lengths of the sides are in inches, the area will already be in square inches, and therefore you don't have to "turn it into square inches".

Can rectangles with the same perimeter have different areas?

Yes. Say there are two rectangles, both with perimeter of 20. One of the rectangles is a 2 by 8 rectangle. The area of this rectangle is 2 x 8 which is 16. The other rectangle is a 4 by 6 rectangle. It has an area of 4 x 6 which is 24.

When you use the Distributive Property to find areas of rectangles why does it make sense to divide the rectangles so you get groups of 10?
