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It was the French mathematician Rene Descartes who created the coordinate plane.

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Q: What mathematician invented how to graph a line using intercepts?
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What are the steps to graph an equation of a line using the intercepts?

Draw the axes. Plot the two intercepts. Draw a line connecting the two points

Can all the linear equations be graph using the intercept?

Yes - provided you allow both x and y intercepts.

How do you graph y x 2?

It is a line. There are many ways to graph it using intercepts etc. But, you can pick some x points, plug them in your equation, and find the corresponding y point, The graph those (x,y) values

How do you find slope using x and y intercepts?

Your x and y intercepts give you two points on the line of the graph. Use these two points in the slope equation m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1), and that gives you the slope.

What are the x-intercepts of the graph of y equals 12x2 - 5x - 2?

Using the quadratic equation formula: x = -1/4 and x = 2/3

What is y equals -x using intercepts?

y = -xBoth intercepts are at the origin. From there, the line slopes up to the leftand down to the right.

When the graph of a quadratic function crosses the x-axis twice the x-coordinate of the vertex lies between the two x-intercepts?

The x co-ordinate of a quadratic lies exactly halfway between the two x-intercepts, assuming they exist. Alternatively, the x co-ordinate can be found using the formula -B/(2A), when the function is in the form, y = Axx + Bx + C.

How do you find the x intercepts using the vertex and y intercept?

It depends on the vertex of what!

How do you find how many x intercepts the parabola has using the discriminant?

If the discriminant is negative, there are 0 interceptsIf the discriminant is zero, there is 1 interceptIf the discriminant is positive, there are 2 intercepts

How do you plot the graph of 10x equals -5y by using the x- and y-intercepts?

10x = -5yfirst find out what (y) and (x) equalsy = -2xx = -1/2 ynow put zero for x in the y-equation and this will give you the y-intercepty = -2*0 therefore the y-intercept is y=0now put zero for y in the x-equation and this will give you the x-intercepty = -1/2 * 0 therfore the x-intercept is also x=0this means your line will go through the origin (0,0)you can not really find out the whole graph of a line from just the intercepts==============================================True. It's not possible to graph a line from the intercepts alone ... if the linegoes through the origin, because in only that special case, both interceptsare the same point.But in every other case, the two intercepts give you two points, which give you the whole straight line.Just remember: At the x-intercept, 'y' is zero. And at the y-intercept, 'x' is zero.

What is a graph that displays data using line segments?

The graph that displays data using line segments is a line graph.

How do you Graph 6.5t?

There are many ways to graph 6.5t like using a bar graph, a pictograph or a line graph. When using a pictograph you will find the time and times it by how much.