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Q: Who proved pythagorous theorm?
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What is the pythgorem theorm of c equals 4100 and a equals 14500?

B = (4100x4100) - (14500x14500)

What is the diagonal measurement of a 28 foot x 64 foot rectangle?

using pythagorous 282 + 642 = 4880 square root = 69.856997 69.856997

When would you use pythagorean theorm?

Any time you measure distance using triangulation or utilise angles in theorems.

How can I find the square foot of a roof pitch?

The great pythagorean theorm: a(squared) + b(squared) = c(squared)

How do you find the volume of a cubical box when diagonal is given?

Cool question ! Answer - half it then cube it to prove it - an example for you if cube diagonal (not square diagonal) is 100, then using pythagoras theorm the square diagonal = 70.71068, If square the square diagonal = 70.71068, then using pythagoras theorm the side length = 50 therefore the volume = 50 ^ 3 = 25000 units works with any numbers