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They are similar. In many problems, both methods can be used. You can view Fourier transform is the Laplace transform on the circle, that is |z|=1. When you do Fourier transform, you don't need to worry about the convergence region. However, you need to find the convergence region for each Laplace transform. The discrete version of Fourier transform is discrete Fourier transform, and the discrete version of Laplace transform is Z-transform.
Ans: because of essay calucation in s domine rather than time domine and we take inverse laplace transfom
The most generalized reason would be:"To solve initial-valued differential equations of the 2nd (or higher) order." Laplace is a little powerful for 1st order, but it will solve them as well.There is a limitation here: Laplace will only generate an exact answer if initial conditions are provided. Laplace cannot be used for boundary-valued problems.In terms of electronics engineering, the Laplace transform is used to get your model into the s-domain, so that s-domain analysis may be performed (finding zeroes and poles of your characteristic equation).This is particularly useful if one needs to determine the kind of response an RC, RLC, or LC circuit will provide (i.e. underdamped, overdamped, critically damped).Once in the s-domain, we may begin discussing the components in terms of impedance. Sometimes it is easier to calculate the voltage or current across a capacitor or an inductor in terms of the components' impedances, rather than find it in a t-domain model.The node-voltage and mesh-current methods used to analyze a circuit in the t-domain work in the s-domain as well.
Laplace is used to write algorithms for various programs. More info is available on wiki .
The Laplace transform is related to the Fourier transform, but whereas the Fourier transform expresses a function or signal as a series of modes ofvibration (frequencies), the Laplace transform resolves a function into its moments. Like the Fourier transform, the Laplace transform is used for solving differential and integral equations.
it is used for linear time invariant systems
The Laplace transform is used for analyzing continuous-time signals and systems, while the Z-transform is used for discrete-time signals and systems. The Laplace transform utilizes the complex s-plane, whereas the Z-transform operates in the complex z-plane. Essentially, the Laplace transform is suited for continuous signals and systems, while the Z-transform is more appropriate for discrete signals and systems.
They are similar. In many problems, both methods can be used. You can view Fourier transform is the Laplace transform on the circle, that is |z|=1. When you do Fourier transform, you don't need to worry about the convergence region. However, you need to find the convergence region for each Laplace transform. The discrete version of Fourier transform is discrete Fourier transform, and the discrete version of Laplace transform is Z-transform.
The use of the Laplace transform in industry:The Laplace transform is one of the most important equations in digital signal processing and electronics. The other major technique used is Fourier Analysis. Further electronic designs will most likely require improved methods of these techniques.
Ans: because of essay calucation in s domine rather than time domine and we take inverse laplace transfom
A Laplace transform is a mathematical operator that is used to solve differential equations. This operator is also used to transform waveform functions from the time domain to the frequency domain and can simplify the study of such functions. For continuous functions, f(t), the Laplace transform, F(s), is defined as the Integral from 0 to infinity of f(t)*e-stdt. When this definition is used it can be shown that the Laplace transform, Fn(s) of the nth derivative of a function, fn(t), is given by the following generic formula:Fn(s)=snF(s) - sn-1f0(0) - sn-2f1(0) - sn-3f2(0) - sn-4f3(0) - sn-5f4(0). . . . . - sn-nfn-1(0)Thus, by taking the Laplace transform of an entire differential equation you can eliminate the derivatives of functions with respect to t in the equation replacing them with a Laplace transform operator, and simple initial condition constants, fn(0), times a new variable s raised to some power. In this manner the differential equation is transformed into an algebraic equation with an F(s) term. After solving this new algebraic equation for F(s) you can take the inverse Laplace transform of the entire equation. Since the inverse Laplace transform of F(s) is f(t) you are left with the solution to the original differential equation.
He formulated Laplace's equation, and invented the Laplace transform which appears in many branches of mathematical physics, a field that he took a leading role in forming. The Laplacian differential operator, widely used in applied mathematics, is also named after him.
He formulated Laplace's equation, and pioneered the Laplace transform which appears in many branches of mathematical physics, a field that he took a leading role in forming. The Laplacian differential operator, widely used in mathematics, is also named after him. He restated and developed the nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solar system and was one of the first scientists to postulate the existence of black holes and the notion of gravitational collapse. And much more...
The Laplace transform is a widely used integral transform in mathematics with many applications in physics and engineering. It is a linear operator of a function f(t) with a real argument t (t ≥ 0) that transforms f(t) to a function F(s) with complex argument s, given by the integral F(s) = \int_0^\infty f(t) e^{-st}\,dt.
The Fourier transform is used to analyze signals in the frequency domain, transforming a signal from the time domain to the frequency domain. The z-transform is used in the analysis of discrete-time systems and signals, transforming sequences in the z-domain. While the Fourier transform is typically applied to continuous signals, the z-transform is used with discrete signals represented as sequences.