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Q: Why is the bond angle in water molecules less than the bond angle of methane?
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Why is the bond angle in a water molecule less than the bond angle methane?

The lone pair - OH bond repulsion in water is greater than the OH bond- OH bond repulsion. In methane all of the bonds are the same so it has perfect tetrahedral symmetry. This is VSEPR theory

What is the approximate HOH bond angle in ice where HO is the covalent bond and OH is the hydrogen bond?

The approximate HOH bond angle in ice is around 109.5 degrees due to the tetrahedral arrangement of water molecules in the solid state. The hydrogen bonds in ice help hold the water molecules together in a regular pattern, contributing to the observed bond angle.

What is the bond angle in CH4?

The bond angle in CH4 (methane) is approximately 109.5 degrees. This is because methane has a tetrahedral molecular geometry, with four equivalent C-H bonds arranged symmetrically around the carbon atom.

What bond angle is CH4?

The bond angle in CH4 (methane) is approximately 109.5 degrees. This is because methane has a tetrahedral molecular geometry with the four hydrogen atoms positioned as far apart from each other as possible.

The bond angle in a water molecule is?

The water molecule's bond angle is about 104.45 degrees.

Are water molecules a bent molecule?

Yes, water is a bend molecule with a bond angle of about 105 degrees. They are described as bent planar (or V shaped)

What name is given to the bond between water molecules?

The bond between water molecules is called a hydrogen bond. It forms between the hydrogen of one water molecule and the oxygen of another water molecule.

Does methane float on water?

No. methane is not soluble in water, as methane is a non-polar hydrocarbon and water is a polar solvent.

What is the angle between each covelent bond of ch4?

In a methane (CH4) molecule, the angle between each of the covalent bonds (C-H bonds) is approximately 109.5 degrees. This angle is due to the tetrahedral molecular geometry of methane, where the carbon atom is at the center of a tetrahedron with each hydrogen atom at a corner.

What type of bond has two or more nonmetals involved?

A covalent bond typically involves two or more nonmetals. In covalent bonding, atoms share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. This type of bond is common in molecules such as water (H2O) and methane (CH4).

Does nitrogen oxygen neon carbon dioxide water or methane have molecules?

All of the substances listed (nitrogen, oxygen, neon, carbon dioxide, water, methane) have molecules. Molecules are formed when atoms of the same or different elements bond together through chemical bonds. Each of these substances is made up of molecules that give them their unique properties and characteristics.

What is the approximate H-O-H bond angle?

The approximate H-O-H bond angle in water is 104.5 degrees.