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Q: Why is ozone's bond angle larger than that of water?
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Why is ozones bond angle larger than water H2O?

Water: 104.45° Ozone: 116.8° Difference: 12.4°

The bond angle in a water molecule is?

The water molecule's bond angle is about 104.45 degrees.

Does carbon dioxide or oxygen difluoride have a larger bond angle?

Oxygen difluoride (OF2) has a larger bond angle than carbon dioxide (CO2). OF2 has a bond angle of around 103 degrees, while CO2 has a bond angle of 180 degrees due to its linear molecular geometry.

Which compound has a larger bond angle - oxygen difluoride or carbon dioxide?

Oxygen difluoride (OF2) has a larger bond angle than carbon dioxide (CO2). OF2 has a bond angle of 103.3 degrees while CO2 has a bond angle of 180 degrees. This is because OF2 has two lone pairs of electrons on the central oxygen atom, causing the fluorine atoms to be pushed closer together, resulting in a smaller bond angle.

What is the approximate H-O-H bond angle?

The approximate H-O-H bond angle in water is 104.5 degrees.

Why ammonia has larger bond angle than nf3?

Ammonia (NH3) has a larger bond angle than NF3 because nitrogen is less electronegative than fluorine. Therefore, the lone pair-bond pair repulsion in ammonia is less significant than the lone pair-bond pair repulsion in NF3, resulting in a larger bond angle in ammonia.

Why Water has angle 104.5 but oxygen fluoride has 102.7?

The difference in bond angles between water (104.5°) and oxygen fluoride (102.7°) is due to the presence of different atoms bonded to the central oxygen atom. In water, two hydrogen atoms create a more electronegative environment around oxygen, causing a greater compression of the bond angle. In oxygen fluoride, the larger fluorine atoms reduce this compression, resulting in a slightly larger bond angle.

Why bond angle of H2S is less than H2O?

The bond angle in H2S (92 degrees) is less than in H2O (104.5 degrees) due to the larger size of sulfur compared to oxygen. The larger size of sulfur results in weaker repulsions between the electron pairs, causing the bond angle to be smaller in H2S compared to H2O.

Which bond angle in ch2f2 is greater?

In CH2F2, the bond angle between the carbon-hydrogen bonds will be greater than the bond angle between the carbon-fluorine bonds. This is because hydrogen atoms have a smaller size compared to fluorine atoms, causing repulsion between the larger fluorine atoms to decrease the carbon-hydrogen bond angle.

Why is the bond ch4 larger than the bond angle in nh3?

Santa clause crawled into my bed and told me because he said so

Why is the bond angle in a water molecule less than the bond angle methane?

The lone pair - OH bond repulsion in water is greater than the OH bond- OH bond repulsion. In methane all of the bonds are the same so it has perfect tetrahedral symmetry. This is VSEPR theory

What is the approximate HOH bond angle in ice where HO is the covalent bond and OH is the hydrogen bond?

The approximate HOH bond angle in ice is around 109.5 degrees due to the tetrahedral arrangement of water molecules in the solid state. The hydrogen bonds in ice help hold the water molecules together in a regular pattern, contributing to the observed bond angle.