

Best Answer

There is no need to listen to your teachers if you are willing to accept the consequences, blaming no one else but yourself. These consequences are that:

  • Your job prospects will be limited to minimum paying jobs.
  • Your life expectancy as a non-graduate is demonstrably shorter than a graduate.
  • Your chances for a happy marriage are reduced.
  • Your chance to make a positive impact on the world will be limited.
  • All the good stuff (travel, adventure, respect) will be beyond your reach
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Q: Why should you listen to your teacher?
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Try to listen to the teacher and ignore people that bothers you. :)

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sure.IF it increases your grades=)

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it depends how important the story about the cat is if a fireman rescues it from a tree its dying it all depends on what happened to the cat i am not a teacher but i would listen to the story

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It is important to listen to your teacher in a science lab because there is some very dangerous stuff in there which could harm you, so if you listen to your teacher, she/he can tell you what to do but safely!

How do you listen to your teachers?

By not listening to your teacher

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from listen to teacher

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by nhow u should listen n class when teacher tells u

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You should ask the teacher if he/she can repeat the directions all over again pleasee and maybe this time listen(:

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Listen to your teacher.