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The primes required are:

2 = (4+4)/4

3 = (4+4+4)/4

5 = (4+4+4+4+4)/4

7 = (4*4+4+4+4)/4

11 = (4(4*4-4)-4)/4

13 = (4*(4*4-4)+4)/4

17 = (4*4*4+4)/4

19 = (4*(4*4+4)-4)/4

23 = (4*(4*4+4+4)-4)/4

29 = (4*(4*4+4+4+4)+4)/4

31 = (4*4*(4+4)-4)/4

37 = (4*4*(4+4)+4*4+4)/4

41 = (4^4-4*(4*4)+4)/4

43 = (4^4-4(4*4+4+4))/4

47 = (4^4-4*4*4-4)/4

The remainder are left as an exercise. It should be noted that most of these are impossible to express with only six fours without either defining new operators or allowing for facetious, unmathematical cheats such as allowing 44 to be used.

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Q: How do you find at least 6 math equations using only 6 fours to make it equal any prime number in between 1-100?
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